people: in airports profile picture

people: in airports

About Me

MyGen Profile Generatorpeople: in airports (small case) are a 4-piece indie-rock ensemble residentially spanning York and Leeds. Formed in 2006 by Shed Seven bassist Tom Gladwin and locally renowned singer/songwriter Paul Downes, songs were written, early sessions recorded and positive internet reaction enjoyed. In 2007 Jimmy Greenall (guitar and backing vocals) and Ken Sayers (drums) were recruited and the line up was complete.
A flourishing songwriting partnership has produced songs that are sufficiently leftfield and edgy to pique the interest but never forget to be catchy and fiercely melodic. If you’re looking for another tight jeaned, winkle picker wearing new wave post punk band or electro experimentalists who are trying so hard to be different they render themselves unlistenable you’ve come to the wrong place.
Musically, influences such as The Shins dreamy pop are combined with the more visceral and urgent qualities of classic English groups like The Jam with 60’s pop sensibility thrown in for good measure. From tales of old scores to settle, hesitant forays into romance, a trip around our nations capital, nightmare dreams of a never-ending fall, being pursued by wolves and alien military deception, each tune has it's own story to tell.
At the start of 2008 “pia” recorded three songs for public consumption which were given away free at live dates. The live show has been regularly honed in front of local and out of town audiences with much aplomb and with an album set to be recorded by the end of the year for a 2009 release, people: in airports are most certainly (ahem) preparing for take-off.

My Interests


Member Since: 17/12/2006
Band Members: Paul Downes; Vocals/Guitar
Tom Gladwin; Bass
Jimmy Greenall; Guitar/Vocals
Kenny Sayers; Drums

Influences: We are a British Rock band. We are influenced by American bands who sound like they are British.
Type of Label: Major

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