I am a graphic designer:
Yeah this world is made of losers
but I want to be a winner
ill do anything it takes
to hypnotize the upturned faces
into trusting me completely
so they’ll need me to supply
the object that will fill
the emptiness
that was created
by repetition of an image
and sound they recognize
and their valuable identities
will be sexually excited
by the product which I will then…
M. Gira Drainland project
Living grows round us like a skin
to shut away the outer desolation
For if we clearly marked the furthest deep
We should be dead long years before the grave
But turning around within this homely shell
of worry, discontent and narrow joy
we grow and flourish and rarely see
the outside dark that would confound our eyes
Some break the shell
I think that there are those
who push their fingers through the brittle walls
and make a hole
And through this cruel slit
stare out across the cinders of the world
with naked eyes
They look both out and in
Knowing themselves and too much else besides