There's little to say... i started this project in 2006, i'd had a horrific year and it was a way of getting things off of my chest. the early songs went down well with friends and the encouragement i got to carry on was heart warming. It started out as quite a self indulgent project as i hadn't really left my own little world for some time, but i'm steering away from that a little, i'd like to think there's more to my game than that. i've been asked by a few people if i play live and the answer to that is no, as proud as i am of my work (seeing as i have no clue about what i'm really doing) it's still a part of me that i generally hide from the wolrd, and to play live would be to put my face on it...i'll stick to hiding for now at least
They aren't the best songs...they aren't recorded well...they aren't played or sung particularly well, but it's just something i had to do. i should really learn how to use my editing software and make better songs, but i like to keep them as honest as i can, i have no reason to kid anyone with ability i don't actually have.
I don't mind if you do or don't care about them, like them or want to comment on them at all. But i figure some people might be able to relate...some people might listen and think "i've been in that place" just take from them what you will. Thank you for listening...and on the off chance you actually like any of my music please direct any of your friends to my page, cause i hate imposing myself on people...and going on adding sprees is mighty boring...