boys, my kids, movies, flip flops, stars, purple, lilacs, bottled water, yoplait yogurt, vanilla, coffee, nick names, friends, family, rocking chairs, music, cherries, writing.
fish, birds, seafood, gaint florida bugs, heights, boats, mean people.. ya know.. stuff.
Dane Cook is a Silly Bitch
I'm a fag...what...but my name isn't MIKE!!!!
Thats your joke, deal with it.
Which Dane Cook Joke Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
No one. I don't like you any how.
Your 2005 Song Is
Beverly Hills by Weezer
"My automobile is a piece of crap
My fashion sense is a little whack
And my friends are just as screwy as me"
You breezed through 2005 in your own funky style!
What Hit Song of 2005 Are You?
'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com
I enjoy many different types of music, Some which make my choosier friends say I have no musical taste.. But I don't mind. If I can relate or drown it out, I am game. To name a few favorites, BNL, Guster, Weezer, MCR, The Killers, and 311. Although the list could continue. Music is love!Think I'm going for a walk now
I feel a little unsteady
I don't want nobody to follow me
'cept maybe you
I could make you happy you know
If you weren't already
I could do a lot of things
And I do
Tell you the truth I prefer
The worst of you
Too bad you had to have a better half
She's not really my type
But I think you two are forever
And I hate to say it but
You're perfect together
So f*** you
And your untouchable face
And f*** you
For existing in the first place
And who am i
That I should be vying for your touch
And who am i
I bet you can't even tell me that much
Two-thirty in the morning
And my gas tank will be empty soon
Neon sign on the horizon
Rubbing elbows with the moon
A safe haven of sleepless
Where the deep fryer's always on
Radio is counting down
The top 20 country songs
And out on the porch the fly strip is
Waving like a flag in the wind
Y'know, I don't look forward
To seeing you again soon
You'll look like a photograph of yourself
Taken from far far away
And I won't know what to do
And I won't know what to say
Except f*** you...
And your untouchable face
And f*** you
For existing in the first place
And who am i
That I should be vying for your touch
And who am i
I bet you can't even tell me that much
I see you and I'm so perplexed
What was I thinking
What will I think of next
Where can I hide
In the back room there's a lamp
That hangs over the pool table
And when the fan is on it swings
Gently side to side
There's a changing constellation
Of balls as we are playing
I see orion and say nothing
The only thing I can think of saying
Is f*** you...
I enjoy Kevin Smith movies, John Huges movies, Comedies, Romantic comedies, and many others. Some top flicks, that everyone should own, The Notebook,Clerks, Love Actually, Oceans 11 (2001 version), Garden State, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, and if I continue on it will end up me listing all my movies. Movies are love! 3
I don't watch tv. Its bad for you.
More Comments and Myspace Layouts at pYzam.com
I don't read. Its bad for you.
I really admire a lot of my friends, and family, but I guess I don't have any heros. You may apply via email for the position though.