giulia profile picture


About Me

Mi piacciono le parole della musica.l'istintività della voce per creare contatto.Sento emozioni e attraverso la voce libero coloriHy there crazy people!!! I'm giulia born in 1983, VOCALIST!!!! always been singing since I was very young and since I was 19 my voice is my main occupation. I've been studied vocal technique mainly with the speech therapist Marina Bertocchi and i got also strong influences and inspirations by great vocalists, artists, teachers and all friends and musicians I played with. In 2005 my music passion brought me moving to London and do a 2 years course in music performance and production at the London Centre of Contemporary Music. I graduated in 2007, these 2 years have been such a grand experience to me!!! i'm so glad i could share music with all the people i've met there. AT THE MOMENT I'm back home (bologna),I moved in october 2007, i'm currently collaborating with several musicians, doing gigs, carring on with my musical tuitions and really trying my best to always remember where I come from and where I want to go. Feel free to contact me have a nice day!!!i'm old fashioned, i love the moonlight, i love those old fashioned things the sound of the rain upon a window pane the starry songs that april sings this year's fancyes r passin' fancies but sightin' sighs holdin' hands these my heart understands i'm old fashioned but i don't mind it that's how i want to be as long as u agree to stay old fashioned with me

My Interests


Member Since: 12/17/2006
Band Members: LOOP-US IN FABULA Paolo La Ganga giut and loop station giulia vox - TALKIN LOUD Incognito tribute band - THE GENERAL FUNK pure funky stuff
Influences: aretha franklin, jill scott, sarah vaughan, ella fitzgerald, carmen mcrae, stevie wonder, alicia keys, macy grey, ledisi, rachelle ferrell, spicegirlsahahaha, mary j blige, MILES, cannonball adderley,chaka khan, incognito, mr Parker.............they are so many!!!! my friends and my teachers
Sounds Like: well!!!! (hi lena!!miss u...) soul r&b blues funky jazz... mostly soul jazzy blues... it really depends... if i have been drinking and smoking too much.... that doens't sound very professional isnt it????
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

alta fedeltà

sembra quasi che se metti la musica (e i libri probabilmente, e i film, e il teatro, e qualsiasi cosa procuri emozioni) al primo posto non riuscirai mai a chiarire la tua vita amorosa, e non arriverai...
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 08:05:00 GMT


ricordo che guardai il tutto con il mio ritardo migliore. che non è il ritardo di chi osserva.... ma di chi assorbe...assorbe cose che forse sono cose da niente e che però si ricorderanno per sempre.....
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 08:45:00 GMT

oceano mare

...affidavano nello stesso istante il medesimo sgomento per il sapore aspro della fine e la sconcertante scoperta di quanto sia silenzioso, il destino, quando, d'un tratto, esplode. (A. Baricco)
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 06:30:00 GMT


ecco qui a scrivere il BLOG!!! ( fino all'anno scorso pensavo si trattasse di roba da mangiare ehehe..)nulla... solo mi è sempre piaciuto scrivere la data del primo giorno dell'anno ecco qui:01/01/200...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 09:21:00 GMT