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About Me

Global Warming is the increase of temperature in the earths atmosphere, oceans, and the land. The earth has gone through an ice age that was basically a cooling of the earth, now we suffer the opposite. The Earth is warming up and the polar caps are melting.
The way global warming is produced is when greenhouse gases are built up in the atmosphere causing the ozone layer to weaken and then the heat from the sun to hit our atmosphere and go right through. The types of greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc. The average surface temperature of the Earth is 59 F. It has gone up even more. by this year temp. has risen 1 degree fahrenheit. With the temp rising like this by the century there will not exist any polar caps and glaciers.
Sea Levels have gone up, higher. During the 20th century the sea level has risen from 10 to 25 cm.
Over the last century, the planets temperature has gone up by around 1 degree fahrenheit. The warmest since the mid 1800s was the 1990s. The hottest years recorded were 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003 and it keeps going up.
The UN has adviced that the earths temperature will rise to 3-10 degrees F by the time the century ends, This is enough to melt the icebergs and polar caps and flood the borders of countries and major cities such as New York City and our very own Chicago because of the Great Lakes.
What We Can Do To Help
People, we can start by simply just planting a tree, a tree gives off oxygen and keeps the earth cool. Join an organization to help prevent the demolition of forests. RECYCLE!!! Stop driving your cars! because the fumes pollute the air and pollution is a major cause of global warming. We are affecting ourselves! and the future of our children! ACT NOW.

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