All things eco, all things edible, all things mind expanding, all things bright and beautiful,all of those creatures: both great and small, bed.
Stacey Slater & Mike Delphino- together in a jacuzzi.
Le Rock, Le Pop et du temps en temps Le Hip Hop ou Peut etre le Techno. I Like Funny Songs Too... anything by Bernard Cribbins
Bird On a Wire, The Lost Boys,The Wizard of Oz, Children of Men,Vertigo, Pretty in Pink, The Labyrinth and the Umbrellas of Cherbourg, Barbarella, Mean Girls, The Burbs, Overboard, Bugsy Malone- just for Zoe.300- I like the costumes.
I love SKINS and Ugly Betty, Boosh, Green Wing, Partridge, Soaps- with no loyalty- just chasing the drama, This Lifethe Old one not +10.
Possesion-Byatt, Anna Karenina-Tolstoy, On Green Dolphin Street-Faulks, What I Loved- Hustvedt, Forever-Blume.
Captain Planet.He's a hero. (He's gonna bring pollution down to zero!)