I'm Jade...Jaydee...Jadey...or Jadeybabes....or if u can't tell me n ma twin apart then i do get called TANIA..(which i hate!).
I am 16 and have been since January 11th! and I know people are like yay it's amazing...my life ent really changed. people still ask me for ID n stuff...take it out on the shortiez hey!..
I love being with my mates, but no we have left school I shall be gettin a bit bored..cuz i liv in doxey n they live like miles away, but my bestest mate emily lives closest...which is like amazing!
Talking of my bezzies...obviously the best is emily but I have a few and so here they are:
GIRLZ- Katie,Jakki,Charlie,Coral,Beth GUYZ- Tom, Matt, Alex, Ben, James So they're the main frendz..x
i talk too much so C'ya