Brandy profile picture


~confusion will be my epitaph~

About Me

I'm a simple kind of woman. I dont like complication, though I know there is no way of avoiding it. So I've learned to deal with it. I like honest people, and meeting new people. I love life in general, no point in having a life if yu dont enjoy it. I like having fun ..but being responsible at the same time. I love my husband (Dom), my cat (KC), and my dog (Homer). If yu want to get to know me just stick around. It'll be fun.
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My Interests

Doom, reading, music, local shows, concerts, art, photography, movies, people, time, my friends, animals, water, nature, air conditioning, snow, traveling, cartoons, adult swim, games games games and more games, my family, books, accomplishing dreams and goals and helping other people do the same, living life, camping, hiking, my family, cultures, analyzing life, plants, comic books, post cards, candles, medieval times, witchery, stars, clouds, pillows, big blankets, nice conversation, intersting people, sculpting, pottery wheel, fairies, dragons, religions, castles, paranormal, cars, sci fi,

I'd like to meet:

mostly dead people who made a difference in life, even if it was their own, people who are worth meeting, people who have something to live for.


Portishead, sneaker pimps, tool, a perfect circle, canon, poe, smashing pumpkins, radiohead, coldplay, oasis, muse, stabbing westward, vnv nation, deftones, anahadonia, 30 seconds to mars, new london fire, epic hero, jay williams and the blues drivers, karkwa, king crimson, the crew cuts, stoner, NIN, KMFDM, volition, tapping the vein, stoner, Capra, butthole surfers, billy idol, morphine, grimskunk, jars of clay, massive attack, pantera, metallica, megadeth, type o negative, filter, loreena mckennitt, ac/dc, white/rob zombie, Olivia Broadfield


If you have seen it, I'm sure I've seen it. I watch movies like they are goin out of style.


cartoon network, history, discovery, animal planet, adult swim, those CSI shows are pretty neat when I can watch them.


Mystery, self motivation, horror, suspense, educational (mostly everything)As many books I've read, I dont have a favorite. They have all been good books to read.


Who needs heroes when yu have PEZ!!!

My Blog

to the exact...

yup so i think im over the craziness..not sure yet..i still have to change my birth control..because apparently thats whats making me feel nutty. i sometimes forget that i have a wonderful husband tha...
Posted by Brandy on Sat, 19 May 2007 05:52:00 PST

goin crazy

i think im goin crazy...and i need help..but everyone wants something when yu ask for help....and its usually money..something i dont have. the last time i asked for help no one really listened and it...
Posted by Brandy on Tue, 15 May 2007 05:32:00 PST

people worth caring about...

blogs are the most unimportant thing..but still we all write. anywho..i read something today that threw me off a little..but not enough to crawl under my skin and really think about it. i think the pe...
Posted by Brandy on Mon, 14 May 2007 12:07:00 PST

the capturing of our souls

i will be updating pictures sometime soon. something leering and calm. something to go with the space. *grins* see ya
Posted by Brandy on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 01:41:00 PST

ego's last trip

whats up with the sponsored link shite?  ..i guess it doesnt bother me that much, just the fact that there is more to look at on the screen, as if we arent addicted already. anyway..i dont updat...
Posted by Brandy on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 07:47:00 PST

Bea's Place!!!

my weekend was relaxing thanks to beaness..we went to razoos and mimi's which were both super frickin great places to eat..we watched some six feet under which was actually pretty good..ive never seen...
Posted by Brandy on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 05:14:00 PST

keeping my head up high

aside from trying to keep everything in my life right now on the bright side..everything is going alright. doom is still in quebec which is sucky bc i miss him so much. im trying to get things started...
Posted by Brandy on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 08:57:00 PST

"i wont back down"

so im back in texas. went to the doctor about my infections. they are fixable with some antibiotics. but ive taken all the antibodies..and im still feeling like i may go back tomorrow, like t...
Posted by Brandy on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:34:00 PST

changes ....

so i leave tomorrow..the situation has definately changed..matters are getting if i dont get this taken care of asap..then yeah im more prone to more infections that are more im g...
Posted by Brandy on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:22:00 PST

back to texas i go...

so i go back to texas on the pretty sure i've got a kidney infection which i've never had before in my life, so those of yu who have endured this horrible pain or know someone who has ...then...
Posted by Brandy on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 02:06:00 PST