*~Lyssa L♥u~* profile picture

*~Lyssa L♥u~*

~*♥....I didn't realize how much I missed u..til I took the time to realize u were gone...aga

About Me

My name is Alyssa..but everyone calls me Lyssa I fit my sign to a t..lor Lyssa Lou. I'm from Reno, Nevada..No town baby..but currently live in Auburn, AL. I attend Auburn University..War Damn Eagle. I'm an Aquarius and ol..I'm pretty simple...I'm in love with music, writing, and REAL shit...no fake people, lies, blah blah u kno the rest!! I understand that MYSPACE IS NOT THE LOVE CONNECTION..AND I WOULD LOVE TO KEEP IT THAT WAY!!! I highly doubt I will meet the love of my life on Myspace and dont have any plans to do so..lol..but besides that...I'm pretty AMAZING..lol...one of the COOLEST people ul ever meet..just a laid back chick..that is ridiculously fly without tryin to be..haha... PeAcE Yo!!!

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Writing

My Interests

Writin...singin...dancin....SLEEP...going out wit da girls...watchin BOondocks...listenin to music..watchin movies..um..anythin else that can keep my attention...

I'd like to meet:

The great ones...Mos Def.. Saul Williams..Dana Gilmore...Gemineye....those who inspire and and touch the soul...people who can make me smile and even better laugh...those who can make me think deeper, speak wiser, and be a better me....(but that last one might be a lil harder lol)
Sixty-Nine Odd Questions
Are your parents married or divorced?: Married..but separated...very confusing...
Are you a vegetarian?: No...but dont eat red meat...
Do you believe in Heaven?: yea...i think I do...
Have you ever come close to dying?: Prolly but dont really remember..
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: My 100% Black necklace...
Are you eating?: Nah...
Do you eat the stems of broccoli: LovE bRoccoli
Do you wear makeup?: yup...only eye stuff tho!!
Would you ever have plastic surgery?: ...hmmm...maybe...
What do you wear to bed?: all depends....
Have you ever done anything illegal?: ...yes definately... :/
Can you roll your tounge?: ...nah..I can make a taco tho..haha
Do You have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: ..workin on it..lol
Do you believe in Abortions?: ...damn...puttin folks on the spot...
What is your Hair color?: brown blackish
Future child's name, boy and girl?: ????
Do you smoke?: NoT anYmoRe
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?: ...good question...
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: lol..maybe... :)
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?: PaY all my bills...
Gold or silver?: silver
Hamburger or hot dog?: neither... :(
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?: flautas...mmmmm
City, beach or country?: beach..at night...
What was the last thing you touched?: ??? lol...my clothes???
Where did you eat last?: at the house...a samich....
When's the last time you cried?: ...i cant remember which is good..
Do you read blogs?: sometimes...
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?: ??? depends wha u mean by that
Ever been involved with the police?: ...kinda sorta
what's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap?: ...nexxus...and caress...
Do you talk in your sleep?: YES LoL
Ocean or pool?: neither...yuck...
What's your favorite song at the moment: Rock with YOu Michael Jackson
have you ever had a cavity?: yes...
Window seat or aisle seats?: window on plane...aisle in restaurants...
Ever met anyone famous?: yea a lot of people....
Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?: .....yea pretty successful so far....
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: dont like spaghetti....
What is your fav. sport to play?: ..Balencesto...
Basketball or football?: Basketball...but like watchin them both
when was the last time you went to the bathroom?: um...this morning....
Do you drive a stick?: No :( but someone is gonna teach me :)
Cake or ice cream?: IcE CrEaM
Are you self-conscious?: ...hmmm...sometimes....
Do you like any of your close friends?: ...Dont think so...
Have you ever given money to a bum?: yea...i try to do good in the world
Have you been in love?: yea....
Where do you wish you were?: right where I am...
On myspace why is the 1st person on ur top 8 there?: my bestest!!!
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?: No...
Can you tango?: no but it would be amazingly fun if I could
Last gift you received?: ...hm...some birthday presents...
What occasion did you recieve your gift?: Birthday duh!!!
Last thing you spent lots of money on?: ....BIlls... :(
Where do you live?: in my house....
Last wedding attended.: shit....dont even know
Favorite restaurant?: ...dont really have one
What is your favorite kind of car?: ...mini copper...so cute...
Most hated food(s): coconut.... :P yuck
Most loved food(s)?: Passion fruit yoplait yogurt and goldfish...
Can you sing?: yea....
Person on your mind?: hehehe...a light skinned cute boy
What's your least fav. chores?: cleaning...
Favorite drink?: ...hmmm....
Currently have a Crush?: yea a lil one
How long was your longest drive in a car?: 35 hrs....
Why do you do Myspace surveys?: cuz i be bored as hell...
Do you know who Nick Tyo is?: um...no
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I'll listen to almost anything and I do mean anything...but my favorites are Mos Def, Floetry, Common, Amy Winehouse, Gavin DeGraw, Amel Larrieux, Lauryn Hill, LiL Wayne, and many others...


Finding Nemo...All the Friday's...Harlem Nights...Love&Basketball...Love Jones, Paid in Full, Belly, Never Die Alone, Scarface(I know I'm so gangsta haha)and a lot of other ones...


the Boondocks...Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends...(yeah I know I'm a lil old for cartoons but hey wat can I say..I'm a kid at heart..and th eshow is just HILARIOUS)


Bum Rush the Page...Zane books...any slam poetry...


My mom...she's my numero 1...she's always there for me no matter what!!

My Blog

All I have by Amerie

"All I Have"I feel so unsureTrembling you open your doorYour eyes glisteningSilly me I'm already missing youAnd this is all I have (All I have)All I have to giveAll I have to giveThis one last kissI k...
Posted by *~Lyssa L♥u~* on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 04:24:00 PST

A Verse

Haven't finished a verse since you leftthe meters don't workiambic pentameter has lost its pointinternal rhyme don't even rhyme right... -since you've been gonesee sonnets have lost their effect....
Posted by *~Lyssa L♥u~* on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 01:18:00 PST


The light is dim in this shadowed room but I am comforted by the idea that you are by my side Comforted by the idea of being comfortable comfortable with sharing my thoughts and dreams comfortable wi...
Posted by *~Lyssa L♥u~* on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:30:00 PST

So done

I'm not in the business of competing For a place in your heart So I'll be the bigger person in this battle And say I give up. Call me what you wish - a coward, maybe fake Tell me that I'm running sca...
Posted by *~Lyssa L♥u~* on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 12:53:00 PST

One last moment

The struggle begins fear engulfs this helpless body whose only desire is to spend       one last moment.... Knowing its not right to still long so deeply for something predest...
Posted by *~Lyssa L♥u~* on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:57:00 PST

This is for you...

She doesn't deserve you, but neither do I but this isn't about that. This is about love...something that we can't control, and we've learned this the hard way, loving the wrong ones for so long, when ...
Posted by *~Lyssa L♥u~* on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 03:47:00 PST


Posted by *~Lyssa L♥u~* on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 03:59:00 PST

What is the world coming to???

Posted by *~Lyssa L♥u~* on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 07:43:00 PST

New Outlook

....I was talkin to a really good friend the other night...just rememberin good times and what not....pretty much talking about high school...and we both agreed that we would love to just go back...
Posted by *~Lyssa L♥u~* on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 04:56:00 PST

Really there isn't....

There's really nothing to say....but I'm just a lil bored so I thought I'd grace the blog world with my presence...hahaha....everything is coming along...not all great but it is coming along and there...
Posted by *~Lyssa L♥u~* on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:48:00 PST