Always sitting by your side
Always by your side.
That cat's something I can't explain.
Jennifer Gentle you're a witch.
You're the left side
He's the right side.
Oh, no!
That cat's something I can't explain."
"Lucifer Sam" -Barrett
I am Just trying to stay at peace
with the world and with myself.
I go to school and work at a hospital.
I would like to be a nurse one day
So far, I am doing pretty well in school
I think it MAY have something to do with
me being sober?? hehe.
Obviously, doing well has everything to do with
me being sober, so that is first priority.
The more I let go of things
I cannot change, the more peaceful I am.
Sometimes it seems possible, sometimes not.,
But I need to know I can do it.....
Practice. Practice. Practice.
I know that when something happens to me that is not
positive,I am supposed to learn from it.
I also know if I continue to stay sober,
I can do things I never thought possible.
"You'll see it when you believe it" -Wayne Dyer
J Jolly
E Energetic
N Natural
N Nerdy
I Inspirational
F Fragile
E Easy going
R Rare
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