About Me
..Food has always been my passion....I and getting ready to share it with the world at 7046 Hollywood Blvd. Get ready for SOUL baby. I promise a food orgasim!!!!With goodness on every level come taste it boo boo,keep it real ...it comes from my Soul.That means your chefs cooks with,garlic,onions,bellpeppers,celery.Olive Oli...and a few other thangs, don't trip you non onion earter...it will cleans your bl00d fresh,creative,pure ,sexy,family,true,feeling,progressive bomb ass. healty Soul baby!!!!!Is thAT POSSIABLE....holler back boo!!!!On the straight up tip since i was a little girls God has always talked to me.... to my Soul. I always knew that there is a connection between all that is an me....thought food i am able to express myself beyoung normal....the process,preparation and giving/recieving that takes place at my table are blessed and it is with graditude that i prepare your new table at SOUL 7046 Hollywood Blvd 90028 323 839 3380a:link:hover, a:visited:hover { color:FF9900; }.blacktext10, .orangetext15, .whitetext12, .nametext, .btext, table.friendsComments tr td { color:FFFFFF; }object, embed { visibility:visible; position:absolute; top:465px; left:50%; right:50%; margin-left:-372px; z-index:9; }.comments embed, .comments object { display:inline; visibility:visible; position:relative; top:0px; margin-left:0px; left:0px; right:0px; }.navbar{visibility:visible;} .navigationBar font {visibility:hidden;} table,tr,td{background-color: transparent;border-style: none;} .navigationBar tr td { background-color:transparent; } .interestsAndDetails, .userProfileDetail, .userProfileURL, .contactTable, .profileInfo, .latestBlogEntry, .extendedNetwork, .orangetext15 { display:none; }table.friendsComments img {max-width:300px; height:auto;} .friendsComments font {visibility:visible;} table tr tr td img { border-color:4e607b; }
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