# Tennis!
Nikola Tesla sto po Bosni Vesla, Ivan Drago, Super SaiyanAdd Comment
Too many musics to know.
- AMAZING GRACE : best movie, i recommend it! buy a HUGE serving of popcorn though "get the jew egg before it hatches! You must squash him like a bug"Donnie Darko, Dogville, Billy Madison, 23
Don't watch it... blew up when the super saiyanic powers posessed my human body
Reading ..Hagakure, Siddartha, Book of Five Rings, Conversations With God, Zen In the Art of Archery, Zen in the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Catcher ien the Rye, The Fountainhead, Why I am So Wise, Atlas Shrugged, Life of Pi
The Prince of all Saiyans.