HeLLo!! WeLL, siMpLe laNg me, maBaBaw aNg kaLigaYahaN mkaSaMa kO LaNg maHaL kOh maSaYa nA kOh..hehe saBi niLa maDaLdaL daw meEh,, hehe 22O naMan.. but with sEnse Of humOr alThOugh sUmtymS cOrny,, uhmM, iLOve fLOweRs,,i reaLLy get fLatteRed eVRytyM i rEciVe OnE.. it mAkes mE bLush prOmisE.. i lOve hanGing Out wid my fRendS anywHeRe as Long as the pLace's sAfe.. i alSo lOve -==_HeLLo KiTTy_==- sHe's an aNgeL lYk meEh.. i suPer lOve aDvenTuRe, iLove hOrRor sToRieS,mOviEs, anyThiNg baSta naKakAtakOt.. i EveN lOve gHOsts huNtiNg..as ive sAid im aN adVentuRer..cuRiOsitY maTTeRs a lOt!! and Of cOurSe,, iLOve SINGING sOoooo mUch... it's gOes thRough mY blOOd.. iM a bAnD vOcALiSt befOre.. iLoVe peRfOrmiNg tOo.. laSt rOle i pLayeD wAs MaRy MagDaLeNe.. PeRfOrmiNg iS reAlly fun,, u bettEr tRy it.. aNd LasTly,, i Love tOm WeLLinG sOoooo mUch!!... pRoMise.. and Oh yeAh dOn't get sCaRed, i'M sUpeR dOopEr FRIENDLY!! pRoMise.. feEl lyk tRying add me
[email protected]=== sEe yAh!! c",)