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Adventures in some other cities and my handmade

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Trance: Protoculture,Yahel,Bizzare Contact,Wricked machine, Joti Sidhu, Soul surfer, TAlamsca, Sillicon sound, GMS, Shpongle, Shanti, Ananda snake, Sub 6 ,MELICIAHouse... Nick Warren, Hernan Cattaneo, Deep dish, Paul Oakenfold, Sillicon Soul, Steve Lawler, Sander Kleinenberg, Darren Emerson


Liquid Vision, The king of New York, Kinsey, Black hawk down, 7 years on Tibet, Blow, Chocolate, The beach, Domino, Sin city, Frida, S.w.a.t., Natural born killers, Baraca, Joan of Arc, Gataca, Ice age, etc.


TRUTHTruth is beyond structure. It comes only when you are in an unstructured state of consciousness. It comes only when there is no expectation of it, no preparation for it, because all preparation is expectation. Truth comes unawares, truth comes as a suprise. You cannot manage and manafacture it; it comes when it comes.There is no path to truth. This is one of the most fundamental things to understand. If you are searching for truth, all paths will lead you astray, because following a path means that you have already decided what truth is. You have decided the direction, the dimension, you have decided how to approach it, what discipline to follow, what doctrine to adopt. Your destination will just be a projection of your own mind. It will be just your mind playing a game with itself. There is no way to truth, because the mind is the barrier and it is the mind that creates the way. The mind has to go. The mind has to cease for truth to be.Truth is not a discipline either, because truth is freedom. Truth is a bird on the wing, not a bird in the cage. The cage may be of gold, may be studded with diamonds, but the cage is a cage and cannot contain freedom. Truth can never be a prisoner, its intrinsic quality is freedom, so only those who are capable of being free will reach it.ZENZen goes beyond Buddha and beyond Lao Tzu. It is a culmination, a transcendence, both of the Indian genius and of the Chinese genius. The meeting...the essence of Buddha's teaching and the essence of Lao Tzu's teaching merged into one stream so deeply that no separation is possible now. Out of that meeting Zen was born. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist and yet both.The future of Humanity will go closer to the Zen approach - because the meeting of the East and West os possible only through something like Zen, which is earthly and yet unearthly. The miracle is that Zen is neither interested in the past, nor the future. Zen lives in the present. Its whole teaching is just to be rooted, centered in that which - "is"Zen is Zen. There is nothing comparable to it. It is unique - unique in the sense that is the most ordinary and yet the most extraordinary phenomenon that has ever happened to human consciousness. It is the most ordinary because it does not believe in knowledge, it does not believe in the mind. It is not a philosophy, not a religion either. It is the total acceptance of ordinary existence. It has not interest in any esoteric nonsense, no interest in metaphysics at all. It does not hanker for the other shore; this shore is more than enough. Its acceptance of this shore is so tremendous that through that very acceptance it transforms this shore - and this very shore becomes the other shore.This very body the Buddha.This very Earth the lotus paradise.OSHO



My Blog

FRUSKA GORA again part II

Posted by JACA&PEDJA on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 01:04:00 PST


Posted by JACA&PEDJA on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:55:00 PST


Posted by JACA&PEDJA on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 01:41:00 PST


COMILIJANSI!!!CHEVOO!!!Cvija& ANAIvana&Vuk&TamaraVuk,Nastja and Ska!Me in the mood!GIRLS!!!Party started!!!Barbara&meJEJA OR BUBI...CD-jeysBUGI AND SONJAA little bit drank!!!JEJA& MEJEJA & SONJASo i'v...
Posted by JACA&PEDJA on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 03:23:00 PST