Black Cats Productions are a couple of people who were bored 'cause there was nothing going on in there hometown. So we decided to do something against it. Since 2004 we're organizing concerts and every year a open air the diy-style (We're also trying to organize other things...but we're not professionals and there are too much laws...but in spring 2008 we have our first bobby-car-downhill-race!). Once a year we make a benefit-event and we're always searching for money (of course we also always need some!). If you like to help us...write us!
We're always looking for bands to play in our hometown sulzbach-rosenberg (near nuremberg) but don't feel bad if it takes some time till we answer. We're doing it all in our freetime! That's also the reasons why we're looking for bands which don't need to much money (of course we'll try to pay you as much as we can...). So, if you like us...drop us a line!
Black Cats Productions ist ein bunter Haufen von jungen Leuten, die um der langweiligen Einöde ihres Daseins zu entfliehen, beschlossen haben, endlich mal ihre Ärsche hoch zu kriegen und in ihrer Stadt selbst was auf die Beine zu stellen. Seitdem veranstalten wir Konzerte mit verschiedenstens Bands (hauptsächlich Richtung Punkrock, aber auch anderes...), ein kleines aber äusserst feines Open Air und versuchen momentan auch, in andere Sphären kulturellen Lebens vorzudringen, wobei aber immer im Vordergrund steht, das ganze für alle bezahlbar zu machen...
So weit, man sieht sich an der Theke!
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