Merry Prankster profile picture

Merry Prankster

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Longing for love and living for humor with a mind that entails a happy little caucasion girl perspective on life! Travel do'er, adventure seeker, spending days with head in clouds type fantisizer (spell check on that). Sunny days and funny ways, yes indeed that is me motto in life. Talking to trees, amazed by the vanishing of bees, with a face that resembles a giant sunflower! I spend my days knowing not what I can't, but only what I can do and what I will do to satisfy the uniqueness that I carry and the purpose of my being. Hiking in mountains, finding peace along dirty trails, watching the cycle of nature take it's course while meditating as a zenful little buddhist spirit would do... no no you can't catch me and you won't find me, unless you too have the courage to travel a one way journey toward the sun!


My Interests

I absolutely love to write, mostly funny stuff that makes absolutely no sense, with some occasional poetry. I enjoy hiking, fishing, camping, fanatical about live music and really enjoy dancing...driving on long road trips with my barefeet and gypsy skirt pulled to my waste while listening to CCR or the Grateful Dead. I also hope to join the Peace Corps at some point in my young life. I am very intrigued by wildlife, particularly nonhuman primates. I plan to spend my life in the trees and in the dirt finding ways to preserve the natural habitat of the rain forests.


I'd like to meet:

Your Dad, but only if he's hot!

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Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, the Doors, The Doobie Brothers, Janis Joplin...Rusted Root, Phish, Widespread Panic, Ella Fitzgerald, Tom Petty, Pearl Jam, Kula Shaker, keller Williams...I also like the old school 80's....New Order, Blur, Depeche Mode, the Revolting Cocks, The Cure, Bjork/Sugar Cubes, Men at Work, Dire Straits, Of course I still love Phil Collins and Genesis for shit's sake, The Boss, and Toto, because they sang that one good song about Africa....Chili Peppers, Nine Inch Nails, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Sublime, Radio Head, Weezer, Tool....ahhh somebody stop me


Instinct, Legend (very old, 1984),Forest Gump, Jason and the Arganots, Space Balls, Platoon, Fear and Loathing in Las. V., All the Predator movies, Star Wars...and anything with Keanu Reeves


my tv was struck by lightning and so I have yet to buy one. learned to live without it and tend to read more books.


On the Road, The Dharma Bums, Running with Scissors, Hell's Angels, Follow the River, Celestine Prophecy....the list could go on!


Whoever designs a utensil that will allow women to pee while they're standing up.....otherwise, I'll have to say that Jack Kerouac, Diane Fossey, and Charles Darwin have been quite an inspiration to me!
Dating & Relationship Advice
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My Blog

Insert whatever title you want here!

I went to eat pizza with my good friend, Carrie this evening (she's worth the 1.25 hour drive to share an unvegan friendly dinner with). She was talking to me about various sex toys that she's been ma...
Posted by Merry Prankster on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:40:00 PST

Comparison of courtships between various organisms and to those of humans

....inspired by a friend! I want to share with you a comparison of animal courtship to that of us strange human individuals....we'll start with the crickets! Crickets in the dating scene mate by the s...
Posted by Merry Prankster on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 03:35:00 PST

Conversations....with One Self!

Indeed, it has been a long week and a long, long I speak to Mr. Morgan, aka The Captain, and he gives me 3.8 shots worth of advice! "Arrrgh...what is it that you're going to do with yo...
Posted by Merry Prankster on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 05:42:00 PST

I’d like to thank all my sponsors!

This one goes out to my my family and my dearest and even not so nearest, but good enough to dearest friends! I'm taking a brief moment from my studies to send warm and heartfelt emotio...
Posted by Merry Prankster on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 03:35:00 PST

By Jove...I slept with a Snake Last Night!

Friday night, I worked until almost 10pm fiddling around with a turtle filter, which gives me fits to no end. I am soon to take that fucking thing and throw it out the window before too long if it doe...
Posted by Merry Prankster on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 07:28:00 PST

The Inevitible Transition of the Present to the Past

The hardest part of dealing with death is making the transition of  'present' to 'past tense': The 'is' to the 'was' The 'has' to the 'had' What we 'do' to what we 'did' What we 'will do' t...
Posted by Merry Prankster on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 10:53:00 PST

Old Lady Boobs (repost of bulletin)

A very very old lady came into the nursery today, exposing a full 3 inches or more of her old lady boob cleavage. I found this to be very distracting as I was trying to explain to her why her Spathaph...
Posted by Merry Prankster on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 05:46:00 PST

The Eyes of Men

There is something very significant about a man of random being, who casts his glaze -covered eyes upon my body, from me head to me toe and into the happy little sparkle within my eyes! I li...
Posted by Merry Prankster on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 08:16:00 PST

In Memory of Ignacio "Nacho" Prado

I was so caught up in my own dreams today that I almost let it slip by is the third anniversary of the passing of my dear friend, Nacho.  He walked on to the "other si...
Posted by Merry Prankster on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 05:00:00 PST

Love Your Ass Day

Hey Folks, guess what....I am personally dedicating tomorrow, August 1st, 2007 as "Love Your Ass Day!" Something very significant dawned on me today....I couldn't stop staring at people's butts when I...
Posted by Merry Prankster on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:18:00 PST