MJ profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

a young tomboyish lass who gives no shit dude!!! a girl next door lookin out for some gimmicks and cool parties to hang out with!! aint no hot babe but surely a one bad ass chix!

My Interests

sports...esp. basketball :) and volleyball.. any outdoor sports...but not in swimming im quite a poor swimmer :P

I'd like to meet:

any one who cld be my friend... :]




Lord of the Rings[one of the best ever!!], the don of monte cristo, ELIZABETH, saving private ryan, gothica, sword fish, SUPERMAN...


CSI, Alias, 24, Ally Mcbeal, ER, Friends, HBO_esp. Band of Brothers, ESPN/ Star Sports, NBA TV & MTV


little prince, the pearl, hamlet...


from DC and MARVEL esp. JUSTICE LEAGuE, MANGA/ ANIME.. :P and above all my friends/parents..

My Blog


watz up peeps, my first time in here!!! kinda like a virigin... hope u like here in new myspace.com... kinda crowded in friendster so i add up some new line to connect 2u guys.. c yah arnd!!
Posted by MJ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST