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So I guess this is where I get to tell you a bit about myself:
I grew up in a small East Coast town in the south called Wilmington, NC. We're famous for hurricanes, Dawson's Creek, and Michael Jordan. Got started playing the guitar around age 15 when I blew out my knee my first day of wrestling practice my sophomore year in high school. Not a great way to start the year, but since I had plenty of time because my leg was in a straight cast for 6 months, I started writing music. It must have been my obsession with the beach that influenced much of my music early on, as images of life on the water have always seemed to find their way into my tunes. Not too long after I started playing, I met my good friend Scott Cash and we started doing some writing and recording together.
Having spent much of the past few years living out of a suitcase, I have used the experiences I've had in the places I've lived to fuel my creativity. From the hollows of old cathedrals in Europe and the towers that line the streets of New York City, to the plush fields of Tennessee, I have lived to experience as much as I can in hopes of writing the best music possible. A friend once told me that the best songs come from just living life; the more you live, the more you have to write about. So that's what I'm doing, living and writing. When good things happen, I try to write about them. Crap happens too, and that's OK...I started writing about that too. I hope the songs of my heart help you to connect with yours in a much deeper way. Thanks for listening!
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