Writing music, playing music, gigs, sports, keeping fit, socialising, Guinness, jägermeister, sleep.
Anything melodic. Too many to mention. Although I've set myself an objective to complete this section by 2009...
Life of Brian, Trainspotting, Pulp Fiction, The Deer Hunter, the Graduate, Shawshank Redemption, The French Connection, Lost in Translation, Reservoir Dogs, Sixth Sense, Stir Crazy, Classic 60s kitchen-sink movies (A Taste of Honey, The Family Way, Spring and Port Wine etc.), Kes, Spinal Tap, Schindler's List, Jaws, and many many more...
The Office, Partridge, Peep Show, Extras, admits to strange "Deal or no Deal" addiction (though currently on the wagon)...
Marty McFly, Benjamin Braddock, General Zod, mes parents, and, of course, Mikey Guitar.