.. my tOp FriEnDs! soccEeRr..MoViESs (a LoT!) My cloThEs! MusiCc ..fOoTbaLl ..
My fuTurE hOuse♥
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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
akONn♥ a ChanGe oF pacE♥aLeexisOnfiRe♥AnBerLiN♥alE DEe♥aUGUstaNa♥AtreyUu♥Band oF Horses♥bOys lIke girls♥cItY and colOur♥cOLdplaY♥cUte Is what wE aim for♥DashboaRd confessionaL♥decidiNg tonite♥eVergReen tERrace♥FaBeR driVe♥Funeral for a friend♥GavIn dE GraW♥gYM cLass Heroes♥hawtHorneheigHts♥Head automaTica♥hellogOodbye♥Jack's MaNnequIn♥Jet♥jiMmy eat worLd♥KeaNe♥MarOon 5♥MatcHbOok romance♥motIon city soundtracK♥Muse♥McR♥OmniKroM♥Pan
ic!at the disco♥PeaKafeLler♥PlacebO♥SEaN kiNgstoN♥seCondHand sereNade♥sleig♥suGaRcult♥takIn back sunday♥the academY is♥tEddy geiGer♥tHe aLl-american rejects♥the audition♥The Fray♥The killers♥the pOstaL serVice♥the reD juMpsuIt apaRatUs♥The Used♥♥Tyler hiltoN♥YellOwcarD♥The afteRs.....
coaCh carTeR..MoulIn rOugEe..fRIdaY nighT lIghts....tIm bUrtoN's corPse bRIdEe..MeaN GirLs..minorItY rePort ..maN On fire..the devIls weaR praDa..We arE MarshaLl gridiroN GanGg aND aLOtt lOoTt lOTtT mUcH mOrE!
CsI..OnE ThREe hiLl..gIlMorE girLs..GreYs anatOmYy♥ 24
mOulIN roUge The confeesIoNns..the BlacK DaHlia..jUst lIke HeaVeNn..allL jOhn grisHaM,s
..cOcOo chaNeLl!!! I OwE yOu mY nameE
..JadoRrE leS coUroNnes!!
TOn nOmm Ce CHarLie conWay? Cause touJOurss..