About Me
Strebers bildades våren -85 och bestod då av: Ulke: sång & gitarr, J.R: trummor och Pelle: bas. 1986 släpptes flera skivor med Strebers. Deras debut EP hette: "Ung & Arg", och följdes av deras andra EP: "På Liv & Död". Strebers första LP släpptes oxå -86 på deras vanliga (egna) skivettikett: Kaos & Skrål. Den hette: "Ur led är tiden". Den pressades bara i 1000 ex och är jävligt svår och dyr att få tag på nu...
Strebers gjorde efter att gruppen Asta Kask hade lagt av flera försök att få med Astas sångare och gitarrist Micke i bandet. De lyckades tillslut, så 1987 stärktes Strebers av Micke Blomqvist, och därmed ändrades deras musik litegrann. Micke spelade gitarr och sjöng, ända tills våren 1988 då Strebers hade sin avskedsspelning och splittrades. Men under den tiden hann de spela in en EP "Bad boys behind bars" och en miniLP "Öga för öga".
Strebers splittrades efter sin sista spelning på Ungdomens hus i Uppsala. Men splittringen varade inte särskilt länge, Ulke och Johnny ville fortsätta spela så de fick med Ztikkan som ny basist i bandet. De ville då göra något nytt och roligare så de började spela en sorts "cowboy punk" och sjöng på engelska. De kallade sig nu för Sixguns men nästan ingen tog stilbytet på allvar utan betraktade bandet fortfarande som Strebers. Ingen tyckte heller att det hela var speciellt kul heller så Sixguns blev ganska snabbt vanliga Strebers igen. Under Sixguns tid hann de endast ge ut tre singlar. De tänkte egentligen släppa en miniLP men det visade sig var lika dyrt som att släppa tre singlar, vilket ju var mycket tuffare så dom gjorde det istället. Singlarna var: "Silver, sex and sixguns", "Buenas notches from hell" och "Back from the dead".
Strebers ville nu ordna upp allt efter fiaskot och tänkte släppa en ny skiva. Men det visade sig att skulderna på Sixguns skivorna var för höga så de hade helt enkelt inte råd! Det blev därför ingen ny Strebers skiva på länge men då hann dom spela upp sig lite bättre och resultatet blev då så bra att de fick kontrakt med skivbolaget Birdnest. Birdnest skulle alltså finansiera de kommande skivorna, och den första skivan på Birdnest blev "Strebers och kråkan".
Men -92 dör Strebers trummis Johnny i en bilolycka. Medlemmarna i Strebers vill då inte spela längre med samma namn utan gör en sista CD som en hälsning till Johnny. Skivan heter "Till en vän" och bygger mest på texter som Johnny hade skrivit. Där slutar bandet Strebers historia, men medlemmarna spelade vidare...
(more detailed information will probably be added later)
Members:Ulke song and guitar 1985-2001
Pelle bass and song 1985-88 & 2000-01
Johnny drums and song 1985-92
Micke song and guitar 1987-88
Ztikkan bass and song 1989-2001
Solbjörn digital drums 1992
Stipen drums 1992 & 2000-011985Some time in the early spring/summer Strebers was formed. The members were back then:
Johnny (drums), Pelle (bass), Ulke (guitar). There was no singer, so Ulke sang a little bit in the main time. After a couple of weeks some songs were recorded in the rehersal studio, and the idea was to release it as their first single. But the plans were changed and they went to record in a real studio instead. Ung och Arg (young and angry) became the result of 8 hours (lunch included) work.1986Strebers second single På liv och död (~ In life and death) (6 songs) was released and around autumn came Ur led är (Album) (I can’t even translate this title in any good way)1987The band went to visit Kloakens Alternativa Anti-Studio (An infamous little studio managed by Asta Kask’s front-man and singer Micke). Asta Kask had by then broken up and Strebers wanted a second guitarist. So they took Micke with them home. Up to now all records had been self-financed, but due to lack of money they released the mini-LP Öga för öga (eye for an eye) on CBR (ChickenBrain Records), that was later taken over by Rosa Honung Records.1988Songs for a new album was recorded in the same studio as the other songs had been recorded in. But the result didn’t sound good and the band didn’t want to release through a Record company anymore. They changed to another studio och released Ditt blod mitt blod (EP) (Your blood my blood) themselves. Since Johnny worked in a printer-company, this resulted in most of the records beeing printed with several different covers. When Ditt Blod.. got a new cover, the name of the record was also changed to Bad boys behind bars. Another single with, among others, the song Oh Mamma was recorded, but Sator (A Swedish rockgroup) were faster and released their own version of this song. (The song was a big pop-hit in Sweden in the 80’s, made by the duo Lili & Sussie). Due to parenthood, long travels to the rehersals and such, Strebers took a break and a last gig was held in december.1989Sixguns was formed by Johnny, Ulke and Ztikkan as the new bassplayer. They released three singles: Silver sex and sixguns, Buenas noches from hell and Back from the dead, they were all released at the same time. It sounded much like Strebers, but with a little western- and hardrock- influences instead of the strebers folkmusic influence. Because of bad english and other reasons they soon changed their name back to Strebers again, after approximately one and a half concert.1990Once again there was a lack of money, so Bridnest Records released Strebers och kråkan (Strebers and the crow) (single). Later on they also released I fädrens spår (~ In the trails of our forefathers) (LP)
(Strebers och krÃ¥kan was a cover-song by famous Swedish troubadour Mikael Wiehe (Flickan och krÃ¥kan/The GIRL and the crow) Wiehe is also the guys sitting on the rock crying with a broken guitar beside him on the cover of the single while strebers carries away the crow and the girl, shot and dead ;)1991Kallt stÃ¥l varmt blod (Cold steel warm blood) (Mini-LP) was released. What the record company didn’t know was that a cover of the song Jimmy Dean (yet another Swedish 80’s pophit) was secretly added as the last song on the record. Funny joke, Strebers thought, but not Birdnest Records. Since CD’s started to sell more and more, this record was also released in CD-format later on, together with I fädrens spÃ¥r, but this time without Jimmy Dean and without the “decapitation-coverâ€. Then later on Kaos och skrÃ¥l 85-87 (Chaos and noise) (LP/CD) was also released, with most of the songs from Ur led är, plus some other treats. Oddly enough there is also a live-song from the “goodbye-tour†in 1988 on the album. So why the record wasn’t named Kaos och skrÃ¥l 85-88 is still a mystery.1992The third of january Johnny died in a car-accident. Ulke and Ztikkan decided to make one last Strebers-record with mostly lyrics written by Johnny. The result was Till en vän (To a friend) (CD). The main idea was to have different drummers in every song, but due to complications the mystical Solbjörn was used in all the song. A goodbye-tour was arranged in fall and also then they were short of a drummer (Solbjörn got a jazz-job in the United states). Stipen who recently had jumped of the Deathmetal-band Merciless, heard from rumors on the town that the guys needed a drummer. Instead of waiting for an invitation, he invited himself on a drum-test. After the tour they decided to create a new band (Dia Psalma).1993-1999Dia Psalma and vacation...2000The double-CD Blod svett och tÃ¥rar (Blood sweat and tears) was released, and in connection to this a they had reunion-concert on Smedjan in the town of Köping. (With the same members as the goodbye tour in -92 + Pelle from the original lineup who jumped in on the extra-numbers)2001Since it was so much fun playing again, there was a 2,5-weeks tour in the spring (with the same members as the Köping-concert).translation : by Adam