Member Since: 16/12/2006
Band Members: On this page I made all the songs with : my Jackson Warrior guitar, Fruity Loops studio 5 for the drums (yes i'm a shit to compose drums, haha) and my voice (no effects). On "Battle Grind" that's Valf who composed the drums.
Influences: Many bands...Brutal Death/Gore/Grind, Look my profile, for the week :- - - - A cover of Benighted, Mourning Affliction trouvé à l'oreille :
Cover de Prostitute Disfigurement with Loris-
Une cover du groupe Belge de HxC, Arkangel, "In the Embrace of Truth" :
Sounds Like: Pfff à rien ! du pur délire (si vous saviez les paroles héhé)
Record Label: Unsigned