don't ever leave da one you love for the one you like, bco'z the one u like will leave you for the t
About Me
i' Am [B] aLwAyS cAuTiOuS wHeN iT cOmEs tO mEeTiNg NeW pEoPlE, [H] nOt JuDgEmEnTaL gUrL, [I] a YoUnG wOmEn wHo AlWaYs SmIlE AnD mAkINg OtHeRs SmilE, [E] A eXcItInG oNe! hEhEhEhEhE a SiMpLe GuRl bUt eXtReMelY aTtArCtIvE sA lAhAt nG mGa PaSaWaY lIkE mE!!!, mEdYo DeMaDinG pO... dOeS nOt cArE fOr cRiTiCisM aNd SoMeTiMeS mOnEy rUlEs OvEr My hEaRt.... bEiNg SaGiTtArIaNs I hAvE a PoSiTiVe oUtLoOk In My lIfE, fUlL oF eNeRgY, VeRsATiLitY, aDvEnTuRoUsNeSs aNd eagerness beyond my physically... I love to travell and the more i do so my minds are constantly open to new dimension of thoughts. Frankly speaking that I' am basically ambitious and optimistic, continue even hopes are dashed I strongly idealistic natures and suffer many disappointments without being affected. And of corz and they say that I'am "MATARAY"... whahahahahahahaha that'z all folks!!!!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
a guy who is friendly, happy to be with, caring, undestanding ng loving!!