natasha louise rowley
If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it.
i'm only young, and i have all the time in the world to acheive the things i want to.
love will come, and most likely pass.
some of my dreams will come true, but the majority of them will fade.
i'll have moments of intense joy, and months of sadness because the things that impact on us negatively always outweigh those that impact on us positively.
mistakes will be made, and i'll probably end up with severe regrets.
there will be times when i feel like giving up and ninety per cent of the time, i will give up.
but there will also be times when i refuse to back down; times when i prove how strong i can be.
i'll hurt people and i'll be hurt by people.
i'll feel like i've got it all figured out, only to be proven completely wrong.
sometimes i'll be right, but most of the time i'll be wrong.
but i promise myself that i will never let myself become something that i'm not.
i will never define myself by the person i'm with, or want to be with.
i won't give up on the people and things that i truly love.
i will be a force to be reckoned with.
you may tire of me as our december sun is setting 'cause i'm not who i used to be.