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About Me

Tempe's #1 Selling Title of 2006!!!
| View | Add Favorite 33, 5'10", creative minded and creatively ambitious. CAREER: Work in the film and journalism industries.I have two new films in post-production: the thriller NOVEMBER SON (a.k.a. OCTOBER MOON 2)and the comedy SHY OF NORMAL. I've also directed the popular gay thriller/horror flick OCTOBER MOON (currently on Pay-per-View) and the documentary SOMETHING TO SCREAM ABOUT, which is on Showtime right now. I also appear in the documentary HALLOWEEN: 25 YEARS OF TERROR(Catch trailers for these films each right here on MySpace below.) I've also recently begun work on a new book. I'll share that title in due time... I'm a former editor of Femme Fatales and Cinefantastique magazines. I currently also work as a graphic designer for IN PARK magazine and occasionally dabble in porn... Just kidding. I also bartend to keep the bill collectors happy. I make some seriously kick-ass martinis...just ask all the drunk drivers...HOME LIFE: Happily attached to a very wonderful gentleman named Mike. We've just purchased a home (built in 1900) together. Ironing out the snags of co-habitation, but all seems to be going fairly well.I come from larger-than-normal family (mom is one of 17 children - I have 46 first cousins... and know ALL OF THEM! We like to breed, but not with each other...) Very family-oriented. Like to think of myself as friendly and approachable. Was INSTINCT magazine's "Bachelor of the Month October 2005." See me and make fun of me. ;-) Any image of me trying to be sexy is a bit disturbing for me...and likely a lot of others... So say hello. I don't bite... unless you'd like me to....
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You scored as Brian Griffin. Your Brian Griffin. The family's Talking Dog. Brian is a awsome character. He is mellow and usually helps peter get out of all the messes he gets in to. He also has a good relationship with Stewie.

Brian Griffin




Glenn Quagmire


Chris Griffin


Meg Griffin


Stewie Griffin


Cleveland Brown


Peter Griffin


Lois Griffin

Find out what Family Guy character you are. (pics included)
created with My very first PAID journalism made the cover story, and was one of the mags all time best sellers!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Madonna...but I'm afraid I'd be an idiot in front of her.... I'd also go ga-ga over Margaret Cho...she makes me pee my pants... Oh, and Christopher Gorham, but only because I want to see him naked and play with his... (oh, get your mind out of the gutter, people...) I Can Guess If You're A Guy Or A Girl By Your Answers!!!you are all girl. (I'm just crossing my fingers that you're not actually a guy!!) you resemble every lil thing of a girl. YOU ROCK!!!!
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My Blog

Holiday dealings

Just bringing folks up to date on life. career wise i've continued to surround myself with numerous projects. NOVEMBER SON continues on...and on...and on... Longest movie to complete in my 14 years of...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 23:58:00 GMT

R.I.P. John Grzegorczyk OCTOBER MOON actor

Just a note to everyone announcing the passing of John Grzegorczyk, a wonderful gentleman who I've known for over 10 years and who was featured in OCTOBER MOON and the upcoming NOVEMBER SON. John has...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 14:33:00 GMT

Happy Days...

 For the first time in quite a while I've had a very...VERY good week. ;-) In addition to seeing Cyndi Lauper in an intimate venue (she was, like, 10 feet away from me... AAAHHHH!!! I peed a...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 18:43:00 GMT

a little peeved

So I occasionally scoot over to and check out the ratings people have given on my movies. Yes, it's to fulfill my ego, or to see who hates me this week. I seriously don't have an issue with n...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 17:02:00 GMT

The ReCoupe

Have you heard a loud "thunk" lately? That's my head hitting the floor. I'm one day off from the end of the first batch of OCTOBER MOON 2 NOVEMBER SON and I'm so thoroughly exhausted I can barely keep...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 01:00:00 GMT

Passing III: Better

Ugh... rough day. Just got in from all the funeral festivities. And this was a small funeral. Hoping we don't have to deal with a Vanderhoef (huge family) funeral any time soon. This was a complete wi...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 15:30:00 GMT

Passing II: and Not learning

You'd think loosing my father this past spring would've been a huge kick upside my head to appreciate others around me, but with the passing of my grandma Vinnie yesterday, I find myself playing the "...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 22:01:00 GMT


It's a shame to say this is a cliche, but it's understandable why. "Say what you need to say to people now, because tomorrow might not allow you that privilage." I lost my biological father this past...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 11:17:00 GMT

See Mommy Below

I couldn't resist... Check out the MOMMIE DEAREST clip below in the Movies section on my homepage and you'll know exactly what my sense of humor is.... ;-) Thanks to Ray for plugging the cli...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:44:00 GMT

Better Days

After the crunch of the holidays and a stretch of sobriety (I actually remember New Year's Eve for the first time in 12 years!), I spent some down time tonite bonding with my buddy Sy over pizza and b...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 02:22:00 GMT