ii did it! LoL profile picture

ii did it! LoL

I am here for Friends

About Me

WeLcOmE To

href="http://www.freecodesource.com"Myspace Layoutshmm...well i have my own place...n i obviously work...i LOVE playing video games n watching football ((I Loooove tha Steelers n no not cuz they won the superbowl))...i love to cook (n probably cook betta than ur mom lol)...i laugh A LOT (ppl say i laugh too much :P) n that my laugh is funny ((it kinda is different i guess LoL))...i like 2 joke around...A LOT...i cant tell a joke but my sarcasm is grrrrreat LoL i call it being...a situational comedian LoL...hmm...n ppl always call me a dork cuz most the time u will hear me sayin somethin funny or really stupid LoL...i love driving with friends...sleeping with the fan on...watching cartoons (dont hate, dont hate LoL) o n i always analyze things (but what girl doesnt :P)...i love piercings...snakes, dogs, and lizards...guys bein taller than me...n guys that arent afraid to step outside the box for once n be different! even if they do look like a fool...i think its cute :) ...but yea...i love singing in the car ((n yes i can sing LoL))...playing music waaaay too loud...dancin...SARCASM from anybody...people that can actually make ME laugh cuz I find that very rare...anything about cars n learning how to work on em...n doing things better than a guy can :) i onlee hang out withguys because girls are boring ((except like 2 ppl)) o n most of them irritate me 2 lol sorry...im always shy at first...i love everything revolved around music...plus, it tends to play a role on my mood...i LOVE shopping...n shopping with guys :)...Hmm...i flirt a lot too...Well, things i REAAALLLY hate are ignorant people with no common sense!...n people that change to please otha people cuz they're FAKE!...n ppl that lie 2 much... o n i HATE HATE HATE when people get mad at me cuz i forget stuff LoL people that really know me should already know i probably have the worst short term memory EVERRRR so jus leave me alone LoL o n i would loooovvvee to meet a guy that is really funny AND cute LoL its usually 1 or the other...or they think theyre funny but theyre not LoL o n i like when they have sarcasm 2 :) ok so yea that's it

My Interests

... < GuYz > ...LoL...ViDeO GaMeS...MuSiC...CaRs...SpOrTs...ShOpPiNg...

I'd like to meet:

.. TITO ORTIZ AND ANDREI ARLOVSKI from UFC...Youngbloodz...Babyface...Dave Chapelle...John Leguizamo...Charlie Murphy & Eddie Murphy...Vin Diesel...Chris Brown...n umm...n e 1 else i jus happen 2 like lol < QuEsTiOnS aBoUt MeEh >

Sleep with or without clothes on? BoTh LoL
Prefer black or blue pens? BLaCk
Dress up on Halloween? YeA!
Like to travel? YeA iF I..'m GoiN SoMeWhErE i WaNnA Go...
Like Someone? YuP mY BaYbEh
Do they know? He BeTTeR!
Who sleeps with you every night? My BLaNkEt LoL
Think you're attractive? YeA i SuPpOsE
Want to get married? YeA
To: BrYaNnNnNn LoL
Are you a good student? YeA
Are you currently happy? YuP
Birthplace? OcEaNsIdE, Ca.
Christmas or Halloween? ChRiStMaS
Colored or black-and-white photo? BLaCk & WhiTe
Do long distance relationships work? So FaR ItS BeEn...BuT In GeNeRaL No
Do you believe in astrology? No BuT iTz FuN 2 ReAd
Do you believe in love at first sight? No
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? NoT ReAllY JuS OnE oF dA HoMiEz LoL
Do you drink? YeA
Do you make fun of people? YeA LoL
Do you think dreams eventually come true? I GuEsS...
Favorite fictional character? MiChEaL ScOfFiELd & Lincoln Burrows...PrIsOn BrEaK LoL
Go to the movies or rent? UhH...Go 2 ThE MoViEs
Have you ever moved? YeA
Have you ever stolen anything? No
How's the weather right now? CLoUdy...A LiL CoLd
Last time you cut your hair? UhH...SePtEmBer???
Last person you talked to on the phone? BrYaNnNnN
Loud or soft music? BoTh DePeNdiN On My MoOd
Mcdonalds or Burger King? McDoNaLdS
Night or day? NiGhT
Number of pillows? 2
Piano or guitar? PiAnO
Future job? NuRsE 4 NoW...
Current job? ToP SeCrEt InFoRmAtiOn LoL
Current love? BrYaN DuHh
Current longing? 2 Be WiTh BrYaN :(
Current disappointment? No MoNeY LoL
Current annoyance? GoTTa Do ThA LaUnDrY
Last thing you ate? OaTmEaL
Last thing you bought? MeXiCaN FoOd
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? VaLeNtiNe..'S DaY!
What are you hearing right now? A CoMmErCiAL oN TV LoL
Plans for the weekend? HoMeWoRk...
What did you do today? SLeEp aaaand....SLeEp LoL and CLeAn Up
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? ThiS iS WhY iM HoT LoL
Pick a movie quote? ThErEs A SnAkE iN My BoOt LoL

< ALL MaH PeOpLeZ >
< I GoT BeTTa FrIeNdZ ThAn YoU! >

BeCuZ HeS My BaYbEh DuHH

BeCuZ ShEs My BeSt FrIeNd/CuZzIn

BeCuZ HeS MaH FaVoRiTe JeRk HaHaa

BeCuZ HeS a SwEeThEaRt

BeCuZ HeS My NuMbA 1 BrOvA...LoVe YoUuU

BeCuZ ShEs My BiG SiS! LoL AiNt ShE CuTe??? LoL

BeCuZ HeS MaH OtHa LiL BrOvA...LoVe Ya BuTtHeAd

BeCuZ ShEs BeEn FaM SiNcE WaAaY BaCk

BeCuZ We BeEn FrIeNdZ SiNcE 7th GrAdE!

BeCuZ ItZ DaViD! GoOd HeArT :)

BeCuZ ItZ CJ...ThA H2 HoMiE LoL

BeCuZ EvErY1 HaS LoVe 4 KeOn LoL GoOd GuY :)

BeCuZ He UsEd 2 Be My RoOmAtE LoL N KnOwS My PaSt

BeCuZ I HaVeNt FoRgOtTeN BoUt YoU...GoIn 2 NeW YoRk? LoL

BeCuZ DiS Is My LiL JeRk HeCtOr

< ChEcK OuT MaH PeOpLeZ >
< ChEcK ALL ThA CoMmEnTz >


((!...OH YES MUZIK AT IT'S BEST LOL...!))) .. width="425" height="350" ....

"PAUL WALL MADE MY GRILL N LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!"~~~~~~Umm I Like T.I. MaH FuTuRe HuSbAnD LoL UmM...LiL JoN...LiL ScRaPpY...LiL WaYnE...DaViD BaNnEr...DoNeLL JoNeS...ChRiS BrOwN...SoMe G-UnIt StUfF...112...TrEy SoNgZ...JaMiE FoXx...TwIsTa...ThE UsEd...My ChEmIcAL RoMaNcE...OmArIoN...LiNkIn PaRk...ThReE6MaFiA...PaStOr TrOy...JuElZ SaNtAnA...UmM n YeA oThA StuFf...MoStLy RaP n R&B...I Love OldiEs Too


JUST ANOTHER AVERAGE DAY AT WORK LoL ThAnKz 4 Da ViDeO InSpIrAtIoN((she know who she is)) ;) ....

THE SPIDERMAN DANCE AFTER HE DEFEATS N ENEMY LoL AND WHO SAID SPIDERMAN WAS THEIR HERO? LOL ~~~~~~~~My FaVoRiTeS R Uhh.......ToY StOrY! LoL n MoNsTeRs InC. Umm SaW I & II...Oh YeA aNd KuNg PaO: EnTeR tHe FiSt...ZoOLaNdEr LoL...BLoW...Any Given Sunday...MoStLy JuS MoViEs ThAt R FuNnY or ScArY...Or have a hot actor in them LoL


.... UFC!!!...FaMiLy GuY...AmErIcAn DaD...ThE BoOnDoCkS...MTV JaMs (OMG it actually plays ONLY music videos :P )...AqUa TeEn HuNgEr FoRcE...ThE SiMpSoNs...PrIsOn BrEaK...SpOnGeBoB...ThE AvAtAr (yea i watch cartoons lol)...CSI...n SoMe OtHa StUfF I cAnT tHiNk Of RiGhT nOw...


My MoM...YuP...I SaId iT... :)