texas.lee profile picture


texas says: Craig! craig says: Not bad

About Me

I know what I know, And what I know is truth. Nothing more.
Have you ever watched an elderly woman try and eat a popsicle? I sure haven't.

My Interests

Pottery classes and glass staining. Yoga. Drinking coffee at starbucks. Jogging. Late night walks through the folks. Visiting my favorite Spas. Hemp products. And a comfy pair of new flip flops.

I'd like to meet:

Herman Geinrich, Lewis Waldward, Brent Tapensistone, Josh Carnell, Robert Greisinski, And last but not least, Leanna Dabbenport.


Dirty Finger Nails. Straight Trief. Sub Sub Sub. What beat? True Sound. The Blaster Party. Rally Davis. R S Yess! Wait stop. Strict. Constable Parker. And much much more.


Corrupt Youthism 101


my folks.