The True Messiah, in which those who reject will be judged. The True Messiah will not be received by mainstream Christianity when He comes on earth to warn us to flee from the wrath of Elohim our Creator, in which America will greatly suffer.
Click here to read over 500 blog entires from prophet Andrew's ministry group site Elohim Speaks Twice
Read a personal warning to you from prophet Andrew!
Let me tell you the truth about (Andrew’s) call as a prophet of Elohim.
When will WW III begin? Next opportunity will be spring 2009.
About this man, Lord Matreya.....
The Judgment of the USA in Bible Prophecy
"And as it was in the days of Noe,so shall it be..."(Luke 17:26)
"Do you know the TRUTH?"
A lie is the truth and the truth is a lie in the good ole USA.
US Military hard-core deception
American border patrol, is really the PATROL KEEPING ALL AMERICANS BORDED UP!
Germany wants to steer clear of WW III!
The truth about Easter, bunny rabbits, and eggs
Rapture doctrine is a hoax! Beware of this damnable heresy brethren!
National ID card will be issued to all Americans
Isaiah (decoded) "The terrible things that shall soon befall the United States of America"
"The terrible things that shall soon befall the United States of America" Part II
"The terrible things that shall soon befall the United States of America" Part III
The terrible things that shall soon befall the United States of America" Part IV
A man rebukes the president of the United States!
A letter of warning with LOVE
Martial law will soon be in force all over this land!
National Security NOT. National Control YES! Soon all freedoms will be gone in this nation!
Overfed, undernourished,bored and a selfish nation is ready to "go down the tubes".
The worst is yet to come to the USA folks! Get out before it is too LATE
The soon coming collapse of the US economy! Wake up folks! Prepare! (Part II)
The soon coming collapse of the US economy! Wake up folks! Prepare! (Part 1)
40 year- old song lyrics to think about
Pre-trib rapture. Truth or hoax?
History does indeed repeat itself!
A time of great testing for the whole world!
About serpent seed and the nephilim.
Keep all that junk to yourself
A dialog about Hellfie
Who are you going to listen to?
A video of our president. WARNING: GET OUT OF BABYLON NOW!!!!!!
Jezebel is speaking in the land these days.
Bush Caught Lying About September 11th!
The evil that is rampant in the high places of our government.
Mark of the Beast
Christendom has become a modern day version of Phrarisee(ism).
About aliens
Messiah will be crucified again, according to typology, plus some end times events.
Being born again and the true temple of Elohim.
The American Government being sued
My thoughts regarding this false prophetess named Paula White.
Reptilians are amongst us in the year 2008. NOW by this we know that the end is near.
Do you still call the Creator the L_ _d G_d? If so, then after reading this you will know why.
Jehovah or YHWH! You be the judge folks!
A message from the owner of Elohim Speaks Twice group.
The New World Order is here right now folks! Wake up!
Soon the entire USA will be drought stricken according to the secret of Elohim
A word from YHWH. Will you take heed to it?
How many will be saved in the end?
A member asks....
Bush has his way before he becomes president. What will it be like before he goes out?
What about Alex Jones, believers speaking out, and when temperance looks like something else?
Israel, Who and what it really is.
What are "pharmacies" all about anyway?
Economy woes are building up for the USA!
Why I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving Day - from Andrew
The New World Order. Soon it will cover the entire earth!
Britain is now preparing its people for the worst! A major flu epidemic is right around the cor
America and ancient Rome. What happened to Rome will soon happen to the USA.
Soon death by the gullitine will be re-instituted again in modern times.
Naomi Wolf speaks at University of Washington in Seattle last month.
Alien invasion is set to take place in the year 2012! We are not far from the end folks!
Charlatans within the congregation of YHWH
Elohim or God? Yahweh or Lord? Yahushua or Jesus? You be the judge.
Prophecy Update-Iran and Syria in the news Dec.’07
The aliens and the Nephilim are among us NOW! We must be vigilant and sober
The BAD NEWS on the US economy. What they don’t want us to know
The false prophet has spoken. Will you hear him or will you only hear YHWH?
All Roman Catholics and Protestants worship the "god" Iesus (Jesus)!
Folks the government is taking down people that REALLY know what is going on!
George H.W. Bush is a reptilian. Look and see for yourself!
Top secret alien underground bases ready for deployment.
Shapeshifting. What is it really? We need to know these things so that were not decieved.
Former Italian presidenf speaks out and tells the truth about 911!
Hillary Clinton and Walter Conkrite both proponents and believers in the NWO.
A video of Hillary Clinton shows how proud she is to announce that she will be President
Aliens land near a family and the family has a firsthand encounter
Aliens. Have you ever seen one in person?
A man’s life is in danger because of telling the truth about our govorment.
UFO’s in the bible according to the prophet Ezekiel.
The President has already threatend for WW III
Someone is lying to the American people. Do you know who it is?
A poor woman dies because our own government is conducting secret places
What Muslims really believe. A short and brief explanation
What will happen to earth in the final days of this age
One day in the very near future there will be the greatest family feud
Here’s a young man on MySpace which has posted this information regarding reptillians
Video presentations on the Illuminati, Free Masonry and the NWO.
Regarding supernatural protection from YHWH; from the Illuminati, NWO
People beware of Rick Warren for he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing!
Hybrid. Do you know that this is Satan’s work during these final days
David Icke speaking on reptilians. He says that they rule the world
Reptilians, Nibiru and ancient religious gods and symbols.
Folks our own government is poisoning our skies with toxic chemicals
Secret government projects. Do you know some of them? Here are just a few!
Here’s what you always wanted to know what our government has been up to but were afraid to ask
What would happen if this asteroid hit the earth! People say that it wont happen. Well what if
A trends researcher does the work of a prophet! What he says is the truth folks! Are you ready
Public Health officials are at it again! They are really in the business of selling fear
The truth about reptoids and reptilians and the NWO! There are images of these all over
Nibiru, Nephilim, and the cataclysmic events in the end to come!
Concerning Wormwood and the planet Nibiru which on target to hit the earth in 2012!
United States Comptroller has strong words of warning that the US could repeat what happened
We must continue in the faith to be saved in the end.
Border control or American’s controlled?
A person writes on popular site about his findings with respect to reptilians
Insights that some men received from the reptilians. It is all occultish, man-centered
Still another person writes his thoughts on reptilians.
Part of Satan’s plan is to plant hidden messages into our minds!
What on earth is going on? Do you really know?
Dreams and visions given to another prophetess.
Who is YHWH in your life? What does He mean to you and I?
Teaching entitled, "The Seal of Elohim"
Teaching entitled, "The Seal of Elohim" (Part II)
Teaching entitled, "The Seal of Elohim" (Part III)
Music (noise), singing (chanting), playing a musical instrument and dancing
Presidential elections are in jeopardy.
Have you heard about the "ray gun" yet? Do you know who it will really be used on?
Right-side, left-side of the brain. How ought those that belong to YHWH really think?
Heaven. Is it really just a physical place, or is it rather a spiritual realm?
Obama does not know the truth. For if he did he would not have done what he did to his pastor
Finger scanners, palm scanners, hand scanners, surveillance cameras, GPS systems, chip implants. Where does all of this lead to? Do you know?
A woman wants to know when the terrible things will begin concerning the "wrath to come".
A strong word to the people of this Nation
Hillary is a modern-day Jezebel
A blog written by another man on what is really happening to this nation
The Situation In The Gulf Is Beginning To Heat Up
Antitypical teachings and a dream’s interpretation.
Executive priviledge is really a cloaked DICTATORSHIP!
Current food crisis is really the prophesied famine to come in the end folks!
Stay home pope! We do not want you to come here and deceive the people
Bush and Benedict are in the same bed folks! Beware!
Elijah is One and He is our Saviour!
"Is YHWH one?" (Part I)
"Is YHWH one?" (Part II) (aec)
Pope blows out a candle on top of a "tower of Babel" cake of sorts!
Revelation 11-Part 1 (Decoded)
Elohim speaks twice bible codes and the coming wrath of Elohim with WW III
Genesis 3 (Decoded) The Luciferian invasion in the beginning. (Part I)
Hebrews 7 (Decoded)
Acts 28-Part I (Decoded)
Who shall escape the wrath to come?
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Mark 9- Part III (decoded)
Mark 9 - Part II (decoded)
Mark 9 Decoded
Zephaniah Decoded
The Book Of Daniel Decoded
The USA is the second Babylon!
Have you been bewitched? (Part II)
Have you been bewitched?
Bible, No Compromise
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