FuK WaT cHu HeaRd.!.!. profile picture

FuK WaT cHu HeaRd.!.!.

DuN JuDgE iF u DuN noE.!.

About Me

girls layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

...::About Me::...
Full Name: VioLeT
Eye Color: DaRk BrOwN
Hair Color: BlaK, bLonD, n LyTe BroWN
Height: LiL MisS
Shoe Size: 4 iN KiDZ n 6.5 iN WomEnZ
Ring Size: 4 i ThiNk
Heritage: AnGeLz n DeMonZ
Graduating Year: 2oo4
Birthdate: FeB. 25tH
Zodiac Sign: PiScEs
Concert: DuN mEmBa
Best Friend: mAi gOd bRoThA ToNy
Crush: DuN mEmBa
Pet: BroWniE
Sport: BaskEtBaLL
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: NoT yEt
Bungee Jumped: i WaNnA gO
Gone out of the Country: YeP
Beaten Someone Up: Of CoUrSe
Gotten Beat Up: I gOt JuMpD
Killed an Animal: a BirD
Swam in the Ocean: YeP
Broke the Law: YeaHz...
Smoked: SmOkD wAt
Chewed Tobacco: HeLLz nAw
Drank: Of CourSe
Been Kissed: u tHinK
Been In Love: It WaZ a BaD SituAtiOn
Dumped Someone: YeaH
Been Dumped: YeaH
Broken Someone's heart: YeP
Had Your Heart Broken: YeaH
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: nOpE
Broken A Bone: YeaH
Had Surgery: nOpE
Had an X-ray or MRI: YeP
Failed a Class: YeaH
Color: BaBy bLuE, BlaK, WhyTe
Food: FuD iZ mAi LyFe
Drink: Dr. PePeR
Snack: GoLdFisH
Cereal: FroStD fLakZ
Ice Cream: MiNt
Candy: AnyThiN SwT
Restaurant: PhO DuY 2
Fast Food Place: WeNdyZ
Store: ExPreZz
Animal: WhyTe TigEr
Quote: "r U SeriOuZ?"
Sport To Play: BaSkeTbaLL
Sport To Watch: FoOtBaLL
Movie: I gOt 2 ManY
TV Show: InU yAshA
Type Of Music: TrAncE
Band: DuN hAvE 1
Singer: DuN hAvE 1
Song: i DuN nOe 2 ManY tA PiK fRuM
Pepsi or Coke: PePiS
Vanilla or Chocolate: ChoCoLaTe
Cake or Ice Cream: cAnt DeCidE
McDonalds or Burger King: bK
Love or Money: LoVe
Music or TV: MuZiK
Cat or Dog: DoG
Mom or Dad: KanT PiK bTwEeN tHa 2
Truck or Car: umMMMm....
Ocean or Lake: OceAn
Yahoo or Hotmail: YaHoO
Google or AJ: GoOgLe
Light or Dark: LyTe
Country or City: CoUnTry
Rain or Sunshine: SuNsHyNe
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: sMiLe
Personality or Looks: PeRsOnaLitY
Hair Color: bLaK
Eye Color: BrOwN
Short or Tall: TaLL
Romanic or Spontaneous: BoTh
Sense of Humor or Sweet: bOtH
Hook up or Relationship: ReLaTioNshIp
Feeling: HaPpY
Listening To: NotHiN
Wanna: sLeEp
Doing Besides Typing: tLkiN oN thA fOnE
Thinking About: LyFe
Wearing: cLothEs
In Love: YeS
Single: NoPe
Best Friends: I GoT a CoUpLe
...::The Future::...
Career: MeDiCaL FieLd
Marriage: MaYb
Kids: GoT 1 So FaR
The Ultimate Survey @ MyHotQuiz Pisces
You have an awesome imagination, and often put it to use for sexual purposes. You are very romantic and don’t hook-up with random people very often. Because sex to you is about showing your love, you are incredibly romantic in bed, and very giving. You tend be in a serious relationship more often then not. Sex matches: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio
Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com
Your Birthdate: February 25
You excel at anything difficult or high tech.
In other words, you're a total (brilliant) geek.
It's difficult for you to find people worth spending time with.
Which is probably why you'll take over the world with your evil robots!
Your strength: Your unfailing logic
Your weakness: Loving machines more than people
Your power color: Tan
Your power symbol: Pi
Your power month: July What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Create your own Friend Quiz here

My Interests

WhaTeVa iZ fUn iZ wAt i Do..... MaI mAiN ThiNg Iz Ta DANCE. ! . SpeNd tYmE wIt mAi BabE... I jUx tAkE lYfE aZ iT iZ... ReCenT pIx oF mE n MaI BabE
All about your Boyfriend (For Real)
For Starters............
What is his name?: BrAndOn AkA GenEsIs
How old is he?: z3
Birthday: AuG. 16tH
Is he older than you?: YeAh
If so, how many years?: 2 YeaRZ
Where does he live?: In ThA VaLLeY
Is he in school?: nOt RytE noW
If so, what grade?: n/A
Does he work?: YeP
Has he been in a lot of relationships?: nO
Do you know any of his Ex'es?: DuN NoE, BuT hEaRd Of
Was he ever a woman beater?: nO
Is he the best boyfriend you've ever had?: YeP
Is this the best relationship you've ever been in? If not could it be?: YeaH
Does he compare to any of your exes?: nOpE
How long was your longest relationship?: 3 HatEfuL yEaRz
Do you think this one will last that long?: 4EvA
On a list of your boyfriends in or from best to worst where does he fall?: On ToP BesT eVa
Are you happy?: YeP
If there was anything you could change about him what would it be?: I dUn wAnNa ChaNgE aNythiN bOut HiM
What would you change about the relationship what would it be: TheA iZ nOtHiN tA chAngE
Does he make you laugh everyday?: ShuRe DoZe
Do you love him?: Of CourSe
Do the two of you talk about everything?: YeP
How much do you care about him?: MoRe ThaN wOrDz KuLd ExPlaIn
Do you honestly think he loves you?: YeP
Would he put other friends before you?: NoPe
Where do you see the two of you in the next year?: LiViN iN 2GetHa n SuCCeSsFuL
What will happen after high school?: BeEn oUtTA HiGH sKoO
Would you marry him?: YeS i WuLd
Would you have kids with him?: I WuLdNt mInD
How long would you like to be with him?: 4EvA
If you could choose, what would your wedding colors be?: wHytE n BaBy bLuE
Do you think he would make a good father?: YeP
If he isn't already do you think he will be you're 1st?: mAi 1St WaT.?. 2 MakE mE hAppy
Do you think he will ever lose interest in you?: nOpE
Have you had sex yet? If so was it good?: YeaH, n iT wAz GreAT
Has he ever hurt you and not known?: NoPe
Are you upset when the two of you aren't talking?: YeAh
If you could be with him or go back with your best ex who would you choose?: I WiLL StaY wIt MaI LuV nOw.!.
Are you sure?: HeLLa poSiTiVe
What is the best momory you have of him?: EveRy MeMorY iZ tHa bEsT
Would you ever cheat on him?: HeLL nO
If you wanted to break up with him colud you?: NoPe
Would it be hard?: HeLL yEaH, BuT i neVa WuLd
Do you think he is the best thing to happen to you in a long time?: YeP
Has he changed your life for the better?: YeP
Are you as open with him as you should be?: YeP
Will you do what you can to keep him?: Of CoUrSE
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I PrEtTy mUx LiStEN 2 EvErYthIn....


i LuV aLL mOviEz BuT i GoTta SaY tHa BeSt moViEs ThA gOt mE iZ thA DisNeY mOviEZ.!.


i WaTcH tV wEn i GeT tHa ChaNcE... MaI 21sT WeEkEnD


i ReaLliE duN ReAd bUkZ.... bUt iF i HaD 2 It WuLd b tHat GuD HaRrY pOTtER...


i ReaLLiE dUn hAvE HeRoEs... BuT i GuESs u KaN sAy mAi ParEntS r MaI hEroES...

My Blog

A PoEm tA mAi GraNdMa

SayIn GuD BAi SitTin HeA ThiNkIN BoUt u,i HeAr u CaLL MaI NamE,VioLeT, ViOLeT, VioLeT,Az i TuRn tA c WhO'z CaLLiN mE,i C nO 1, OnLy HeAr uR vOiCe,I gLaNcE AcRoZz tHa rOOm,2 C If AnY1 eLsE HeArz iT 2 B...
Posted by FuK WaT cHu HeaRd.!.!. on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 07:24:00 PST