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About Me

SRPSKI: Aleksandar Scepanovic a.k.a DJ Kang je rodjen 23. oktobra 1982. godine u Krusevcu. Jos kao mali, krajem 80-ih i pocetkom devedesetih godina, pocinje da slusa pop i elektro muziku 80-ih godina. Omiljeni izvodjaci iz tog a i nekog ranijeg doba, koje i dan danas voli da slusa, bili su Jean Michel Jarre, Kraftwerk, Bronski beat, Space...1994. godina predstavlja vrlo bitan pomak u njegovom svetu muzike. Zahvaljujuci komsiji koji je tada slusao Hard Core Techno i brojne Thunderdome i slicne kompilacije, Kang upoznaje nesto sasvim novo u elektronskoj muzici. Brzi ritmovi do tada su bili prava nepoznanica. Sama energija koju je ta vrsta muzike sirila, uticala je na njegov dalji muzicki ukus i izbor.Krajem devedesetih, preko drugara iz srednje skole, dolazi do prvog Goa Trance CD-a, Green Nuns Of The Revolution i album Rock Bitch Mafia. Pocinje nova era u njegovom muzickom sazrevanju. Goa a kasnije i Psy trance i izvodjaci poput Astral Projection, Green Nuns Of The Revolution, Man With No Name, Mystica, Shakta...postaju deo njegove svakodnevice.2003. godine uz punu podrsku brace Dalton pocinje sa DJ karijerom u lokalnom klubu KCK u Krusevcu. Tog 29. Novembra 2003. godine bio je prvi nastup - radio je sa svojim drugom DJ Kodosom i bracom Dalton.Vremenom, ritmican Techno zvuk i brojni dj-evi kao sto su Umek, Jeff Mills, Ben Sims, Danilo Vigorito, Adam Beyer intrigiraju njegovu paznju i zelju da se oproba kao dj u vodama tog zvuka. U periodu 2004. do 2006. godine u klubu KCK nastupio je vise puta na brojnim zurkama i takmicenjima, na kojima je zabelezio znacajne rezultate i ostavio dobar utisak na publiku svojim ritmicnim i brzim mixevima.Medjutim, stara ljubav prema melodijama nije prestala. Progressive house zvuk koji se u medjuvremenu pojavio mu je znacajno privukao paznju. Sireci svoje vidike u elektronskoj muzici i prateci muzicke trendove, Kang prelazi na nesto meksi zvuk, koji obiluje brojnim melodijama, tribal ritmovima i misticnim elementima prozetih vokalima.Pored brojnih nastupa u Krusevcu, iza sebe ima citav niz nastupa u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori (Nis, Novi Sad - Exit Festival 2008., Beograd, Canj). Od svih ovih nastupa, najdrazi su mu nastup na Exit festivalu 2008. godine (SUS Stage) i nastup na event-u "Krusevac Live" sa Astral Projection u Krusevcu 2008. godine. Saradjivao je i radio sa puno domacih dj-eva, kao i sa stranim imenima Astral Projection (Izrael).Njegovi mixevi su pustani na radio stanicama kao sto su Dance Radio i Pure FM (Serbia Uprising). Marta 2008. godine dobija svoj radio show Engineering Session na, koji je na programu svake prve srede od 15 do 16 casova po nasem vremenu.Muzika koju pushta danas je progressive house prozet elementima drugih zanrova (techno, tech-house, minimal, ambiental). Fuzija razlicitih muzickih pravaca je ono sto preferira. Dobra tribal voznja povezana sa misticnim melodijama i zvukovima.Sredinom 2008 godine zajedno sa svojim prijateljima DJ Igorom Anticem i DJ Gordiem stvara organizaciju Dynamic Youth ciji je glavni cilj poboljsanje klupskog zivota u Krusevcu i okolini i sirenje zdrave svesti medju mladim ljudima. Iza ove organizacije stoji niz uspesnih dogadjaja i gostovanja domacih i stranih DJ-eva. ____________________________________________________________ ______
ENGLISH: Aleksandar Scepanovic a.k.a DJ Kang was born on October the 23rd 1982 in Krusevac. As a little boy in late 80's and early 90's he begins to listen to pop and electro music of the 80's. Favourite artists from that period, and some period before, were Jean Michel Jarre, Kraftverk, Bronski beat, Space...The year of 1994 was a very important moment in his knowledge about electronic music. Thanks to his neighbour who was listening to hard core techno music and many Thunderdome and simmilar compilations, Kang gets involved with something new in electronic music. Fast rhythms and unususal samples were unknow until then. This energy that was coming out of this kind of music, affected Kang's future music choice and music taste.In late 90's along with his friends in high-school, he gets his first Goa trance CD - Green Nuns Of The revolution and their album Rock Bitch Mafia. This was a begining of new era for him. Goa and lately Psy trance and names such as Astral Projection, Green Nuns Of The Revolution, Man With No Name, Mystica, Shakta...become his reality and every day music.In the year of 2003 thanks to full support of Dalton brothers he begins his dj career in a local club KCK in Krusevac. First event was held on November the 29th, along with his friend DJ KOdos and Dalton brothers.In the mean while, rhythmic Techno sound and many famous djs such as Umek, Jeff Mills, Ben Sims, Danilo Vigorito, Adam Beyer, attracted his attention and made him decide to play and mix this kind of music. In a time period 2004-2006, he played music on most of events in club KCK and all dj contests held in the same club. The crowd remember him of his fast and rhythmic mixes.However, the love for melodies never ended :) Progressive house music was something new on the scene and it was the moment he decided to play some softener sound, but again with tribal rhythm sections. Tracks full of melodies, mystic rhythms, tribal drives and vocals.After many successful gigs in Krusevac, Kang starts with gigs all around Serbia and Montenegro (Nis, Novi Sad - Exit Festival 2008, Belgrade, Canj). The best of all were Exit festival 2008 (SUS Stage) and event "Krusevac Live" where he played music with Astral Projection. He worked and cooperated with most of domestic djs and some foreign djs Astral Projection (Israel).His mixes were played on radio stations Dance Radio and Pure FM (Serbia Uprising). In March 2008, he starts his own radio show on Dance Radio, named Engineering Session, which is on air every first Wednesday of the month 15-16 h CET.His music today is progressive house mixed with other music genres (techno, tech-house, minimal, ambiental). The fusion between different music styles is what he preferes most.Goog tribal drive with with mystic sounds and melodies.In the middle of 2008 with his friends djs Igor Antic and Gordie he founds electronic music organization Dynamic Youth who's main aim is to improve clubbing culture in Krusevac and Serbia among the youth. This organization has many successful gigs with domestic and foreign djs.
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I'd like to meet:

and work with: Hernan Cattaneo, Sasha, John Digweed, Umek, Valentino Kanzyani...and Jean Michel Jarre :-)

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Check out my Facebook profile, and join me there. Look up for Aleksandar Scepanovic. Looking forward to see You there!
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:04:00 GMT

Dream Fields (promo mix for July)

Check out my new mix. There is a link on my profile. Enjoy it and leave some comment about it!
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:02:00 GMT

Room 405 (Dynamic Promo Mix)

Check out my new mix, there's a link on my profile. Please let me know what You think about it!
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 13:25:00 GMT

Posetite Podelite sa nama svoja misljenja o clubbingu u Krusevcu i Srbiji uopste. Posaljite nam svoje predloge i sugestije!
Posted by on Wed, 28 May 2008 07:20:00 GMT