DANCING, performing and visual arts, NYU, world and US travel, vegetarianism, animal rights, feminism, politics, religion(comparative theologies), all sciences, playing sports, working out, beaches and oceans , swimming, roadtripping, nightclubs, rhyming (yeah- I can flow), capitalism, drinking cappuccino, drinking, staying up all night, making new friends.
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"-JK
Girls who love girls who love boys who love boys who love girls who love boys
travel buddies, fitness buffs, vegetarians, dancers, comedians, clowns, circus performers, artists, musicians, writers, contortionists, poets. Male or female.
I like all kinds of music, and I mean ALL. I am currently working on two CD's
You can listen to my songs for free. Just click this icon:
Japanese Anime, Kung-Fu flicks, dance movies. For a list of ALL my favorite movies go to webspawner.com/users/zephyrdancer
It's a rare occasion. I never seem to have the time or interest. If I'm missing something good on TV, let me know what it is. I do like animal planet and travel channel, and the Hip Hop Abs and Malt Shop Memories infomercials.
I am a writer. I write. I read. Everything. What else can I say! Most influential authors are Anais Nin, Henry Miller, Hubert Selby Jr., Allen Ginsberg, Hunter S. Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Joan Didion, Khalil Gibran, Tom Robbins, Valerie Solanas (the S.C.U.M. Manifesto), Stephen Dunn, Albert Camus, Barry Lopez (Arctic Dreams), the list goes on............ I have a book! You can check it out at www.lulu.com/DLKP
It's 4 in the morning grandma, YOU WIN!!!!!!
I wanna dance. I just wanna dance. Tonight- I'm gonna DANCE!
~Dane Cook~
Valerie Solanas, Reese Witherspoon's character in 'Freeway', Maya Rudolph, Molly Shannon, Courtney Love, Rosa Parks, MLK Jr., Nelson Mandela, Harriet Tubman, Edward James Olmos, Joaquin Phoenix, Aung Sang Syui Ki, Phoolan Devi. Anyone who, in spite of being ostracized or condemned, fights for human rights/justice/race and gender equality/animals and the environment.
It can all be summed up in one sentence by Valerie Solanas: "The meaning of life is love, and the only wrong is to hurt others."