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I am here for Networking

About Me

if Joan Jett and Jet Li had a love child, I'd be it.
Current gig: guitarist for Lisafer and guitarist for Dog Kreated Adam and Steve Silly (D.K.'A.S.S.).
Me love you long time with my hot lickey '67 gibson best noodle is guitar noodling. Plus i love to confuse people with inconsistency and exploiting the stereotype...for example, i'm a chink pussy of the fantabulous 10%!
I've played in a lot of bands as a creative outlet because I'm realistic about my dreams, goals and pursuits. Sure, I have the brass ring in mind, but just be real, that's why I have my MBA. Being grounded and surrounded by healthy people are important to me. I will weed you out of my life if you have affected me personally. I have cut off family members, friends and things that are important to me if it is not healthy.
I have a few tenets I live by:
1. It's all about karma baby.
2. Everyone starts out with a 10 in my book. Then they dig their own grave.
3. Keep evolving or you'll die. There's no reason to be complacent.
4. Be in service to others. There's times to be selfish, but throw out the good energy. It will come back to you, "shaken down and pressed together".
5. Don't stifle others. If you do, you will be stifled.
6. Pursue what is healthy emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Or die.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love to throw a dinner with the following guests:
Tori Amos, Bjork, Martha Stewart, Annie Lebowitz, the Dalai Lama, Jack Welch and Andy Warhol. I'd want Annie to take photos and I would be taking notes. Alcohol only at the table, just to loosen up Martha and Jack. I'd cook naan and dahl with a nice dry white wine.

My Blog

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