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I am here for Friends

About Me

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Hi, I'm Tom, I'm 20 and I'm a normal, down-to-earth, funny, closeted depressive. I write comedy and sketches and things for all types of projects. Radio, TV etc, that kinda thing. I'm also an expert on fish but I've been having a few problems with mine lately. I love Chelsea FC and I also follow Aldershot Town FC closely as well. I'm just a boring old git to be honest, there's nothing extraordinary about me, apart from my tiny cock.

My Interests

Football manager (stole my life), music, Aquaria of all varities, educating people about their fish, writing comedy, being forced to perform comedy and also watching comedy (yeah...I tend to piss myself a lot). Playstation, cigarettes, fiesta zetecs and sex.

I'd like to meet:

Kenny Everett, Billy Connolly, Danny Dyer, Di Matteo, Dennis Wise, Gianfranco Zola, Carlo Cudicini and Jimmy Smith.


The Enemy, Hundred Reasons, Consort With Romeo, Oasis, Blur, Manic Street Preachers etc etc




Gavin and Stacey, Family Guy, American Dad, Pulling and a few other obscure comedy programmes oh and David Attenborough stuff.


Fish books, Charles Bronsons book and anything with tits in.


Billy Connolly, Kenny Everett, Gianfranco Zola, Mark Stein, Mum and a few others