dark rolling sea profile picture

dark rolling sea

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

hey! about me hmmm, well I got a sense of humor (well some people see it that way anyway), where I hardly ever pass up a good joke, usually in the form of a good comment when one is needed. I love to watch movies (miss my twin horribly!), play ice hockey and coach baseball, write, read, draw, and show cows (yes cows). Hmmm, what else can I say...Im pretty easy going, takes a lot to rile me up (except in sports hee hee, twin knows bout that :-D), I'm pretty easy to get along with. Guess that's bout all for now.
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A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: too long to spell
Birthday:: jan 5
Birthplace:: the hospital
Eye Color:: brownish
Hair Color:: red for now
Height:: 5'5" and a little more
Weight:: 120ish
Right handed or Left handed?: I use both hands
Your Heritage:: I'm 50% Polsih and proud of it
My Worst Habit:: I'm a slob
Zodiac Sign:: Capricorn
Shoe Size:: uh, 8 in mens...I dont like womens shoes
Pants Size:: haha. well I wear a 32-30
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: yeppers
The Shoes You Wore Today:: same shoes I always wear...athletic sketchers
Your Weakness:: Being External
Your Fears:: Got some of those
Your Perfect Pizza:: The heartattack
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Get the farm...yeah that'd be sweet
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: oh prolly either lol :-) or wicked
Thoughts First Waking Up:: No its not 4:30 yet!
Your Best Physical Feature:: guess my smile. you tell me
Your Bedtime:: whenever I pass out from exhaustion
Your Most Missed Memory:: If I'm missing it how can I remember it? naw, Busia. yeah
Favorite color?: green
Food?: chicken, I'll have to say chicken. There are a lot of ways you can prepare a chicken.
Sport?: Ice Hockey kicks butt
Animal?: Wolf. Always been drawn to the wolf.
Ice Cream?: chocolate chip cookie dough, but it screws me up now...sometimes I take the punishment though :-)
Candy?: do oatmeal creme pies count as candy?
Store?: Walmart I guess.
Salad Dressing?: Ranch.
Actor?: hmm that's tough. Got a few. Bruce Willis is probly tops though
Song?: couple of those...Travelin Solider by Bruce Robinson, Oklahoma Wind by Tonic Sol-fa, Time by The Greencards...more
Letter?: This survey was brought to you by the letter J
Number?: and the number 3
Gum?: gum hurts my jaw don't chew it.
Holiday?: Any holiday I get off work for and still get paid :-)
Season?: I love winter. I really do. but Summer is fun too...and fall is pretty, and Spring is...hmmm wet.
Toothpaste Flavor?: lol this question is weird
Radio Station?: Don't listen to the radio unless someone else is.
Perfume?: don't wear it. guess vanilla cuz it reminds me of my mom.
Scent besides perfume?: baking cookies, pumpkin pie...and an ice rink
Body part on the opposite sex?: eyes
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: NOOOOOOOOOOO! I refuse to grow up.
How Do You Want To Die?: Doesn't matter to me. Whatever God has in store I'm ok with that.
Turn ons:: stuff :-P
Turn offs:: lying
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Twin...that's why she's my twin.
Who's The Loudest?: Loudest? uh, Tariq was but I haven't talked to her in years..now? Prolly Gill
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Me
Who Have You Known The Longest?: well...I guess Niki but we don't really talk just say hi when we meet each other on the street. So...I guess that would make it...someone from the hockey team hmmm
Who's The Shyist?: Me lol um, I don't know. I don't really pay attention
When Have You Cried The Most?: Wow. after Busia died, when I lost G...lots of times...after Herbie was tough.
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: being happy
Worst Feeling?: being depressed
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: NOOOOOOOOOO!! I refuse to grow up...but if I must...on the farm.
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Not a thing. I'm happy with me
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: I've got longevity coming from like four sides. I don't think I'll ever die.
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the: bright side of life (sing it it's fun :-))
What a nice: surprise?
Where did all the: love go!
Why can't we: just get a break.
Silly, little: rabbit
Isn't it weird that: I have three heads?
Never under any circumstance: blank stare.
I wish: I were an oscar meyer weiner (again sing it!)
Everyone has a: belly button.
I am: off center.
Been In Love?: Proably.
Been To Juvie?: Haha no.
Mooned Someone?: uh, not that I recall so I'm gonna go with no.
Been Rejected?: I am a reject
Ran Away From Home?: haha sorta
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: who hasnt lol
Skipped School?: of course but I knew a kid in high school that had perfect attendance from 7th grade until 12th grade. Probly more but I didn't go to Elem with her.
Thought About Suicide?: Yes, but not for myself. It's a touchy subject in my life.
Slept Outside?: Duh. Like a million times...cuz I'm so counting tents and barns as outside lol
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: too many times to count.
Cried In School?: yeah
Thrown Up In School?: haha yeah all over the gym teachers shoes.
Wanted To Be a Model?: nope never
Cheated On Someone?: nope
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Haha, ok that covers like half my life.
Seen A Dead Body?: yes
Been Bitched Out?: who hasn't
Drank Alcohol?: Yes a couple times in my life
Smoked?: nope
Been On Drugs?: Just pain meds, and that is very rarely
Eaten Sushi?: yes
Been On Stage?: yes
Gone Skinny Dipping?: nope. I hate swimming in general
Shoplifted?: I plead the fifth
Been Drunk?: nope
Been Called A Tease?: prolly
Been Beaten Up?: haha yes by my loving siblings.
Swear?: yeah
Sing Well?: haha no
Shower Daily?: I try to
Want To Go To College?: been there done that had fun wish I was 18 again
Want To Get Married?: yeah someday
Believe In Yourself?: for the most parts, but like everyone else I have my moments of self doubt
Get Motion Sickness?: sometimes yeah
Think You Are Attractive?: hell if I know. you tell me.
Get Along With Your Parents?: yeah. good thing too
Like Thunderstorms?: LOVE thunderstorms.
Play An Instrument?: I used to play the nose flute does that count?
Own An IPOD?: haha no. but maybe in the future now that I have a little extra money to spend.
Pray?: almost everyday
Go To Church?: define church. I hold church, but I don't go to church. If you are confused just ask.
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: you betcha...and real ones too
Keep A Journal/Diary?: does blogging count?
Dance In The Rain?: haha all the time. love the rain.
Sing In The Shower?: on occasion
Pepsi or Coke?: neither, they both bring a heart attack...no I'm not kidding
McDonald's or Burger King?: eh, McDs but I found the Tendercrisp at BK is wicked awesome
Single or Group Dates?: Single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla for the most part
Strawberries or Blueberries?: what are we talking like straight up? strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah I like meat.
TV or Movie?: This depends, what's on? what are my movie choices? movie at the house or the theatre? is it NCIS? see can't just ask one of the other.
Guitar or Drums?: they both make noise.
Adidas or Nike?: neither, can't wear the shoes as for clothes eh doesn't matter
Chinese or Mexican?: oh, both are very tough on my tummy, prefer Polsih food...mmmmm
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: can I add sugar? how about honey nut cheerios or frosted flakes lol
Cake or Pie?: what kind of cake? what kind of pie?
MTV or VH1?: neither
Blind or Deaf?: haha sometimes I'd prefer to be both!
Boxers or Briefs?: which ever look good :-)
Do The Splits?: no not anymore
Write With Both Hands?: you betcha. pretty decently.
Whistle?: yeah, with my lips and my teeth.
Blow A Bubble?: with what? Spit, gum, pop? Water? Air?
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: yeah its cool
Cross Your Eyes?: haha yes
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: no but I walk on my toes
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: no not on its own. I can push it up there.... I can lick my chin though
Dance?: hahahahahaha no
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: :-( sadly no but I'm not worried about gaining weight...I'm worried about heart attacks and convulsions
You Touched:: uh, like just brushed against like that? Kevin when I gave him his work order stuff at work here
You Talked To On The Phone:: hmmm, most likely my sister
You Instant Messaged:: Twin like 2 seconds ago
You Hugged:: Bud the other night when they left my house
You Yelled At:: haha the dog, but the last person I yelled at? prolly one of the kids for doing something stupid or bad
You Played A Sport With:: my hockey team last weekend
Time You Laughed?: like a few seconds ago
Time You Cried?: oh I dont know a while ago now
Movie You Watched?: Message in a Bottle
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: How the hell am I supposed to remember that? it was years ago
Joke You Told?: who knows lol
Song You've Sung?: hmmm something in the truck this morning....I can't remember now
Where Are You?: Work...
What Can You See Out Your Window?: forklifts
Are You Listening To Music?: yeah the radio in the shop is on
What Are You Wearing?: jeans and my MN hockey hoodie
What's On Your Mousepad?: dell
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yeah.
Do you believe in miracles?: of course
Magic?: depends on how you define magic
Love at first sight?: yeah
God?: of course
Satan?: if you believe in God and Heaven you have to beleive in Satan.
Ghosts?: Yes in a sense. There are some still with us
Santa?: I believe in Saint Nickolas
Evolution?: God's subtle pushes, yes I do.
Fav Eye Color:: sharp blue
Fav Hair Color:: dark
Short or Long Hair:: short
Height:: taller than me
Weight:: fit but doesnt have to be a body builder
Best Clothing Style:: whatever he's comfortable in
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Well I've already been to Ireland so Poland I guess
Number Of CD's I Own:: Too many to count
Your Good Luck Charm:: St. Christopher
How many pillows do you sleep with?: do the stuffed cows count? then there are three "pillows" on the bed, generally they are over my head though
Do you drink milk?: no...haha funny huh?
Person You Hate Most:: I don't think I hate anyone
Most Outdated Phrase:: who cares what is outdate? speech is what you make of it.
Do you think God has a gender?: Not really no
Where do you think we go when we die?: Heaven after judgement day
How many rings until you answer the phone?: depends on if I want to answer it or not
What is something scientists need to invent?: lol anything they want
Are you a health freak?: not really
Are you a virgin?: hmm wouldn't you like to know
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: ...into space?
What is the worst weather?: anything that completley detroys what we have built
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: haha yeah actually...
How many grades have you failed?: none...although I never managed to be a first semester sr in college...I went form third semester jr to second semester sr...yeah
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Fun Test

Your Five Factor Personality Profile..http://images.blogthings.com/thefivefactorpersonali tytest/personality.jpg" height="100" width="100">Extroversion:You have medium extroversion.You're not the life ...
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Life seems to have imploded, cascading down a path circling an endless drain.  The colors have faded leaving a dull expression of nothingness.  Strength and energy lull as the demons snicker...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 20:44:00 GMT


Sigh Germany ousted Argentina in World Cup play.
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 23:05:00 GMT

World Cup

Woo hoo!  Argentina advances with a gripping 2-1 extra time win this afternoon against Mexico!   Maxi Rodriguez scores the winner (not picture above...above is Saviola )
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 18:18:00 GMT

My musings

  Ok so since I guess I had a 2 year gap between posts there haha (someone got me on Xanga and I forgot myspace )  anyway, those of you that don't know...you can view my writing on two diffe...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 08:41:00 GMT


So I guess I should advertise here too since I have on all the other sites I visit... I've published a book called A Child's Eyes on Lulu.com.   You can find the book by clicking on www.lulu...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 10:07:00 GMT

M names for a boy.................

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Posted by on Tue, 01 Jun 2004 19:37:00 GMT

Rain, Rain, Rain! Flood, Flood, Flood!

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Posted by on Tue, 01 Jun 2004 19:31:00 GMT

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thoughts for the day

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