Lalawethika is the creation of James Hamer, it is a place for his creative endeavours to exist in & from which to be made available. James thinks of Lalawethika as a mindset he gets into when working, as well as the perfect representation for that side of him for which he is most proud.Lalawethika features as a record label for his music, a publishing company for his books & a point of contact for his work as a luthier. In addition, it also functions as a network for the musicians he works with (the JHB).
Lalawethika ..he makes noise
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James Hamer Band
The James Hamer Band, or ‘JHB’, are the musicians that work with James when presenting his music. James never wanted a typical 'band' style scenario standing in the way of his creative vision. However, you still need other musicians if you wish to present your work live &, by nature, those musicians aren't always going to be a constant from project to project., what should we call these people that work with James from time to time? ...Ah, I know, the ‘JHB’!
When on the road there will be ‘core’ JHB members that will feature as the permanent fixtures of the live group at that time, & there may well be JHB guests on the odd recording here & there too.
For his first release 'Real Life' James wanted a 'group' feel to the recording & wanted to go about laying the tracks down in an old-skool, straight to tape, way. Being well aware of the fact that you can't really capture that feeling without putting in the time & effort to form a chemistry with the musicians featured, & also the fact that the kind of musicians that were needed weren't exactly on tap, a great deal of time & effort was spent finding musicians who showed potential & then whipping them into shape (as ugly as that may have got at times). The proof is in the pudding though & 'Real Life' is now out there as a 'James Hamer Band' release for you all to bully your earbuds with.
The aim is to present real music, from the heart, without compromise & to never have artistic sincerity bridled by circumstance. ..James & the JHB, aint nothing but a groove thang!
*James is not running an active 'core' lineup of the JHB at this present moment in time, but will consider serious live events if the right opportunities arise.
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Now Available:
Real Life
James Hamer Band
'Real Life' is the James Hamer Band's debut & features two discs of their unique grooviness. From the down & dirty percussive grind of 'Bigfoot' to the sweet melodic journeys of 'Not For You', the JHB bring James' songs to you full force, brace yourselves...
*You can purchase 'Real Life' from the following retailers:
Amazon (UK):
Amazon (US):
Groupie Tunes:
James Hamer Band .. The Essential Guidebook For Guitar
by James Hamer
A reference book & learning tool for all guitarists.The book is based around movable shapes for scales, modes & chords. Greatly improve your fretboard knowledge & gain the ability to find any chord or scale, near to hand, wherever you happen to be on the neck.
The Essential Guidebook For Guitar is not a 'how to' book, as James is a strong believer that you can't learn to play an instrument from reading a book alone. It is intended for people who are already comfortable on the instrument, or for use with the guidance of a tutor. It presents knowledge that you can learn & apply, but does not try to deal with 'technique'. It will hopefully help to shed light on the relationship between the modes & scales that previously puzzled you. It is also intended to be a book that will stay with you as an indispensable reference tool throughout all your years of playing.
The book is organized for musicians, by a musician. All of the explanitory/descriptive text is toward the front of the book, whereas all of the actual content is seperated, colour-coded & placed toward the back. This allows for easy reference & helps you to find what you're looking for while also balancing an instrument with the other hand.
*You can purchase 'The Essential Guidebook For Guitar' by following the link below:
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