Some of the above images are copyright to Sam Charlton I am a freelance aerial circus performer from Brisbane, Australia, specialising in Tissu, Lyra Duo Lyra and Teardrop. I mainly perform at various corporate functions and special events throughout Australia and Asia but you can also catch me performing at festivals around the country and at nightclubs here in Brisbane. I perform at the Met on a fairly regular basis. I teach Lyra and Advanced Tissu for Vulcana Women’s Circus at Brisbane Powerhouse, see for more details. I also teach private aerial classes, so if you’ve ever wanted to give it a go drop me a line! Circus is my life and Aerial is my passion. I am expanding my horizons to include contortion, acrobalance, pole and Ballet. I hope to do my RAD Grade 6 or 7 exam at the end of this year. I attempt hip hop dance…I would be much better if I did it more often though! In 2007, I took part in a 9 month mentorship program for young artists, called YAMP. It was an amazing experience for me and it really changed who I am as a performer. I totally recommend it for any young artists out there who want to take their art to the next level. Other than circus, I enjoy getting outdoors, movies, being physical and spending time with my friends and family. I am an honest person and expect honesty in return. I speak my mind and sometimes come across a bit harsh, but it is not intentional. So that is me. Drop me a line sometime and say hi. If you are still unsure of what Aerial is, check out my promo videos and photos. Keep checking back as I will be adding more photos frequently.