I'm a Fayetteville girl who never wants to move away again :) I have been happily married for 14 years and God has blessed us with 2 amazing girls. Jay is sooo responsible (I actually think it's undiagnosed OCD) and I'm kinda high maintenance (nothing wrong with this by the way) ~ keeps things interesting! :) I have been late every single place I've gone since I had children ~ I am getting better though ~ just took me a few years! :) I love to meet new people and I really do like everyone ~ well, with the exception of maybe 2 or 3... :) I know EVERYTHING about the Brady Bunch... seriously. I can be talking about one subject and completely switch to something else before you know it... (is that REALLY adult ADD??) :) I love my friends and I am a great secret keeper. I laugh all the time ~ even so much I cry... My car is a mess since I became a mom... my closet is messier ~ but it's always been that way. I absolutely drive Jay crazy every day ~ I just tell him that at least with me his life will never be boring :)
After 30 years I still love to go to Jose's! Tim's Pizza is the absolute BEST anywhere (plug for my brother's business, if you didn't catch that) I have the best sisters-in-law anyone could ever hope for ~ even though I don't see any of them often enough... I love my family, the Razorbacks, my friends, scrapbooking, Hugo's, mani/pedis, laying out on the beach, my job, family b~day dinners upstairs at Mary Maestri's, my church, chocolate of any kind, Christmas Eve at my brother's house, playing in the snow, cute shoes, road trips with Jay, laughing, making other people smile, mocha lights from Starbucks, Disney World, football season, anything pink, and of course, shopping!!
I seriously don't like having to be a grown up, speed limits, ironing, the elliptical machine at Pulse fitness, being late, people who stay in the left lane while going 60mph on 540, bad manners, thunderstorms, unpolished toenails, or rude people.