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Pastor Joe

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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny....."

- Author Unkown

Add me as a friend and start becoming a history maker in your own way today!

Recognize its always the people who are too weak to follow their own dreams that find a way to discourage yours;

It has been said that the hero is known for achievement, the celebrity for wellknownness. The hero reveals the possibilities of human nature. The celebrity reveals the possibilities of the press and media. Celebrities are people who make news, but heroes are people who make history. Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.


Everyone knows a hero when they see one, too few characters out there like that. God knows that everyone needs a hero, courageous, self sacrificing people, setting examples for all of us. Whether a life long or short, its completeness depends on what it was lived for. Our life is a gift from God. What we do with that life is our gift to God.

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death - Proverbs 14:12

What you have in life is not what's really important. Instead (in my opinion) it's who you have it with that really matters, so stop taking the people God placed in your life for granted because you might wake up one day and realize you've lost your diamond while you were too busy collecting stones.

The happiness of a person is directly linked to the most important thing in his/her life. Love is not something you say, it's something you do. Repeated actions / behavior ALWAYS speak louder than words!

Want to know what someone REALLY values and not what they say they value? Take an honest look at what makes them happy, their actions (not words), and what they are willing to sacrifice for what they profess to love.

Why? Because we will not sacrifice something we love more for something we love less. But on the inverse...we will ALWAYS sacrifice something we love less for something we love MORE!


If this is your first time here you should know that I believe God for the impossible and I believe he can change hearts even when 'NEVER' has been said (Luke 18:27). So regardless of what you pre-conceived ideas of church / God / religion might be - come check us might just realize that you don't have to be a religious person to be a Christian!

-------------------{ HERO'S }-------------------

My Father, Craig Groeschel, Billy Graham, Ed Young, & Donald Trump (just to name a few)

Whoever understands and lives out these concepts:

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered - Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives - Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies - Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow - Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable - Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds - Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs - Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight - Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them - Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth - Give your best anyways.

------------------{ MUSIC I LIKE }------------------

Mamzers Dream, John Waller, Trapt, Hinder, Leona Lewis, BuckCherry, Taylor Swift, Hawthorne Heights, Avril Lavigne, Three Days Grace, Rascal Flatts, Breaking Benjamin, Carrie Underwood, 3 Doors Down, Justin Timberlake, Foo Fighters, Flyleaf, The Fray, Staind, Ashlee Simpson, Papa Roach, Good Charlotte, Paula DeAnde, Trace Adkins, Nelly Furtado, Switchfoot, Lifehouse, Skillet

-------------------{ ABOUT ME }-------------------

(Cliffs' note version - I'm about God, Church, My Kids, Volleyball, & Living Life On Purpose)

I am just a regular 33 year old guy currently residing in Parker, CO. There is nothing special or extraordinary about me other than the fact that I have been blessed with two incredible kids, a gorgeous fiance, and some awesome friends that are committed to helping me fulfill my God given purpose in life.

I thoroughly enjoy playing two man beach volleyball, working out, snowboarding, hanging out with my friends, watching movies, playing poker, and have a passion for doing church a little bit differently (okay....A LOT differently - ) and enabling other people and churches to do the same!


It is my personal opinion that the average persons perception of church and Jesus are completely skewed because of the lifestyles of those who call themselves Christians (including myself). It is for that very reason that I do not consider myself a religious person. I personally dislike religion, but LOVE GOD! (Curious to learn more? Watch my featured message called 'Religion Never Works' - click here )

I'm extremely passionate about God, his love for me, and his purpose / plan for my life...but through this journey called life that we are all on, I find myself often distracted by the stresses and cares of everything that really doesn't matter. I find myself compromised, guilty, and ashamed of my actions.

The worst part about stupid choices / poor decisions is that they take seconds to act out, can never be taken back, and no matter how hard we try to make up for them it may take a lifetime to be forgiven by the people we hurt (fortunately God's timetable of forgiveness is as soon as we ask for it).

It is through these horrible mistakes, painful moments, and awful consequences for my actions that I am faced with the reality of God's word and find myself on my face confessing my wrongs and experiencing his miraculous grace. He is the master of restoration and taking that which is broken and making it better than new! I am living proof that God takes the bad and works it out for good to those of us who love him!

Here are a few random thoughts of things I have learned thus far in life...

"It takes a lifetime to earn trust, but only a few seconds to lose it."

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

In other words, if you want what you've always what you've always done...if you want what you've never what you've never done...if you want what you once what you once did.

"We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

Amateurs practice until they get it right, professionals practice until they cant get it wrong. thing I do, letting go those things which are past, and stretching out to the things which are before... - Philippians 3:13

We can either forgive or relive and regret !

I've been doing A LOT of thinking recently and have come to realize that in 100 years from now it will NOT matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in or the kind of car I drove, but what WILL matter is how I invested and used the gifts, talents, and time God gave me.

Check out Matthew 25:31-41 for a reality check!

-------------------{ I'D LIKE TO MEET }-------------------

EVERYONE! I'm looking for REAL people, with real problems, with real hurts, with real doubts, who are looking for answers. I'm looking for two basic types of people on myspace:

The ones that traditional churches shun, the ones that are fed up with 'religion / rules / regulations' but are curious to know if God is real. I'm trying to build an online community of people who have real questions and are willing to explore the claims of Christ from the comfort and anonymity of the internet.

I'm also looking for those people who consider themselves disciples of Christ - I'm looking for thousands of Christ followers who find something resonating within their spirit after visiting my page / watching our videos who will commit to praying for me!

I'm looking for people who will pray for me to not be distracted or discouraged by what other people may say or think about me. To pray that I will keep my eyes on the prize ahead...that I will not be distracted from fulfilling my God given purpose on this earth or changing the face of church and changing the way church will be forever done!

If you find yourself in any of the above descriptions, please add me as a friend (top friend would be even better for more visibility), and if you are in the Parker, CO area come check out an experience this Sunday morning!

It is our belief that to truly follow Jesus we must show all people the unconditional love and grace of Jesus without any reservations due to their lifestyle or religious background, past or future. This love has no agenda behind it (I Corinthians 13:5). This grace sets no timeline on personal change or standards for spiritual growth (Romans 4:4-5). The idea is to be a part of people�s lives because we truly care for them rather than to fulfill a religious duty; to walk with them through all their struggles as a part of their life, not as a religious outsider.

Are you ready to learn more? Are you ready for us to show you how your life can take on a whole new meaning and find true significance? Then sign up for our free newsletter click click here (you can un-subscribe at any time)!

Its Rock-driven, uplifting, blue collar and true to itself and its audience. Perhaps most of all it is distinctly honest, a plainspoken testament to the dignity, hopes and aspirations of ordinary people like you and I.

In a time as obsessed with glamour, celebrity, fame and materialism as ours, the music and life changing messages you�ll experience at a Zyxter Church experience will remain an embracing tonic, an emblem of the belief that everyone's life is significant and worthy of importance through a life lived on purpose.

Whether you are just curious about church and God or a committed Christ follower, you will be welcomed at Zyxter. Zyxter is a dynamic church experience that meets you right where you are (this is not your Grandma�s church - but she is welcome to sit with our grandmas).

S ign up for our newsletter click here (you can un-subscribe at any time) and we�ll send you all the details of this revolutionary experience and weekly updates that will forever shatter any pre-conceived ideas you have ever had about God, church, and how you r life can take on true significance!

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