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-someone fucked with my profile and everything was deleted. FUCKERS

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led zeppelin *stairway to heaven* Uh lets see, metallica, sublime, incubus, spearhead, pinback, TV on the radio, ray lamontagne, death cab for cutie, postal service, spoon, regina spektor, gym class heroes, pearl jam, taj mahal, nada surf, outkast, jimi henrix, pink floyd, myles davis and all that jazz, fiest, zero 7, ozzy, bob marley, tom petty, lynyrd skynyrd, steely dan, tool, nirvana, deftones, red hot chili peppers, pearl jam, allice in chains, modest mouse, rolling stones, smashing pumpkins, toadies, curtis mayfield, postal service, jem, ram jam, manfred man, fleetwood mac, jethro tull, steve miller band, ccr, grateful dead, steve miller band, weezer, dave matthews band, victor wooten... oh you know the classics!


Donny Darko, Reqiuem for a Dream...Almost Famous, Amelie, Powder, Garden State, Science of Sleep, Trainspotting, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Edward Scissor Hands and Blow (anything with Johnny Depp in it), Virgin Suicides, Life Auquatic, Memento, Romeo and Juliet, Willow and The Hebrew Hammer


[adult swim], colbert report, discovery channel, unwrapped... eh whatever's on


Red Tent, Water for Elephants, Confessions of a Memory Eater, The Giver, Anthem, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (anything by Hunter S Thompson)


john stewart

My Blog

skin deep

beauty is complicated. funny how the traditional skin and bones look overwhelms the senses and has the potential to turn the opposite sex into this idol worthy of your body's stressful deter...
Posted by ...Rachel... on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 03:01:00 PST


my wrinkled, torn notebook paper stares back at me with peircing eyes. "to do." i hate you little paper of to do's. this list mocks me. "get off the computer" it says. "stop calling everyone you know....
Posted by ...Rachel... on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 06:57:00 PST

universal prayer for peace

i am not a religious person. yet, i my soul aches with sorrow and fear for the war that religion has manifested inside this universe. my mom is currently in israel. i fear for danger towards her, and ...
Posted by ...Rachel... on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 02:20:00 PST

age is a bitch

age brings many things; betrayal, wrinkles, dissapointment, regret, and ultimetly death.  one realizes their true friends and thier ultimate lovers. as a child, one breathes complete ignorance. a...
Posted by ...Rachel... on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 11:26:00 PST

dont pick up the phone...

i hate caller ID... its him again....same routine every other day.... that boy who i hate, i miss, i love, i want to kill, i want to kiss... its him. but im over him now... right? is it poss...
Posted by ...Rachel... on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 08:05:00 PST


Bare... exposed for prying eyes to strip me to my soul. I hate weakness. Never trust... never let one see you for who you are. Hold on to that mystery that cloaks the soul. Remaining in dark...
Posted by ...Rachel... on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 01:21:00 PST

talking bullshit about bullshit

Just getting home...its already after 4:00... not quite tired.... talkin to one of my best guy friends EVER on the phone (joshua sohne.... heck yes lol).... not thinking entirely clear.....pretty much...
Posted by ...Rachel... on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 04:12:00 PST


Turned away. Scorn. Banished. Feels like shit when the ones you care about let you down. Seems everyone goes out of their way to simply prove your already low expectations. Might as well give up on th...
Posted by ...Rachel... on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 02:44:00 PST

eye of the storm

Everything so hectic around you... unable to see the chaos because you are so entangled in the web of destruction. Your eyes never clearly un-hazed, like the evil is master of his illusions ...
Posted by ...Rachel... on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 01:48:00 PST

SEX rambling....

Sex opens the latches of insanity... desire... weakness.... and power. One moment so full of desire and power... weak with regret the next. What conquers? Live in the moment or perish in the future......
Posted by ...Rachel... on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 01:20:00 PST