Johnny profile picture


who put that on there fucker.

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4/AD

My Interests

I like to hang out with my cousins and my friends. I snowboard, play baseball and play soccer. I alays like to be around my family, and i like to get out of modesto whenever i can

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet up with some people that i used to go to somerset with.i havent seen them in along time and some of them were pretty hot to.


I like to listen to a lot of different music but i mostly listen to rap.


Banned Superbowl '06 Bud Light Commercial

Banned Superbowl '06 Bud Light Commercial

John West Salmon

Only the best. Commercial were the bear fights the man for a piece of fish.

Extreme Dog Fights

All things in life have risks but this is thrilling,funny,exciting and painful. Earn CASH money by submitting videos to Check it out and make great money by surfing the web for funny videos just like you are doing now. My favorite movies are Billy Madison and american pie. I like to laugh at funny crap, so comedies are probably my favorite


I dont really watch a lot of T.V but i like sports a lot so probably sports center or any games that are on.


I hate to read, theres no time for it.


My only heroe is my sister because of all the stuff she goes through everyday with having lupus and having to take about 15 pills a day. She has been a big insparation to me even though she can be a big pain in the asss some times.