not a lot really, music, going to festivals, pubbing but getting sick of clubbing dam loud music ... how old do I sound!! Gaming .. its not for kids. ahmmm lets see, playing pool ... only while travelling though. When I’m home I’m so bad I apparently make children cry. When abroad travelling I become a being of pure pool playing energy, radiating a strange aura that leads others to drop to their knees and worship me as the true god of the green felt. I’ve really wandered a bit here!!
More or less everyone ... is that an answer?? Well id really love to bump into a heap of famous people to see how neurotic they all are. I myself don’t think fame is for me as I’m far too unstable!!
Metallica, GnR, Iron Maiden, In Flames, Dragon Force, Slipknot, Korn, Arch Enemy, Deicide, System of a Down, Mylo, SebFotntain, Paul Okenfold, Fatboy slim, Lisa Lashes, Deep dish, Mark McCabe (not that Kavanagh tit), Carl Cox, Andy Farrel, List goes on and on
Anything except RomCom's ... Id sooner experience child birth!!
Everything, have to admit I’m a bit of a TV buff .... and as a result you will find my social skills are a combination of sayings from Family Guy, American Dad, Simpson’s and the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. (the one where death talks with a Jamaican accent).
Everything from Terry Pratchett, Tom Clancy, all the Halo novels (apart from the second one cos it sucked balls) and the 1985 edition of encyclopaedia Britannia. I kid you not, as a young lad I was very well read!
Oh should I do the obvious ..... well all right then ... WOLVERINE!!!! Sorry he's a super hero ... of the normal kind I don’t have any. They all fail to match up to yours truly.