Wake up NOW!
I feel very strongly that 9/11 was an inside job .
I guess I just don't understand why everyone thinks that we, " conspiracy theorists", have to prove what happened on 9/11 . We only know what DIDN'T happen . It isn't our duty to answer your questions; it's the government's duty to answer ours.
The official account would have us believe that 19 hijackers , armed with only box cutters and their wits, suddenly (yes, suddenly ) managed to navigate sophisticated commercial aircraft into the WTC and into the Pentagon (you know, only the most protected building in the world) without being intercepted by the US Military . Doesn't this seem a bit far fetched?
It gets even more ridiculous...two skyscrapers, specifically built to withstand a direct hit from a 707 , defy scientific principle by freefalling into their own footprints in 9.2 seconds - supposedly due to the impact of the planes and the fire . But think back to that day and all the reports of victims and firefighters claiming bombs were exploding all over the building. When you saw the planes hit did you really believe the towers would collapse or was that shocking ?
Building 7 fell even though it was the farthest away from the towers - officially, also due to fire . The kicker on this one...no plane flew into this building and it still managed to fall into its own footprints in 6.5 seconds . Buildings don't fall from fire , if it was that easy , then we need to change our building codes and get rid of demolition companies all together. This would be way cheaper!
Wait...it gets worse. There is no physical evidence or damage consistent with a 757 (going 350-500 mph...always varies) crashing into the Pentagon . Certainly nothing that looks like the WTC . The Pentagon is 77 ft high and a 757 is 44 ft high and 124 ft wide . The pictures show only an estimated 16x10 ft hole (before the collapse ) that only impacts the ground,1st floor and 2nd floor. The explanation for the small hole is that the tail and wings fell off . Ok, but if you look closely, they are not on the lawn and there is no place on the façade of the Pentagon to suggest the wings, engine or tail even hitting it . Plus, the hole still isn't big enough to fit the fuselage nor is it the right plac e of impact considering it didn't hit the ground before going in.
Since there are no marks on the lawn this suggests that the plane had to have been flying several feet off of the ground due to the engines being 12ft high and hanging from the wings. Sorry, but this would mean way more damage for the Pentagon , let's say to the 3rd, 4th or even 5th floors? Windows from the second floor were still intact . When you look at pictures of the Pentagon damage , you will notice the roof is still intact before the collapse along with various columns still standing . Two skyscrapers fell in their own footprints from the same type of plane in an hour. This along with the fact that the official story says the plane, including the engines, vaporized! People, if you believe the plane vaporized then there is something seriously wrong with you. We need to remake all of our planes if that is the case.
Now, let's look at the security of the Pentagon. The first question everyone should be asking is how the building was even a victim of 9/11? This is the most well protected building in the world! There is a security camera placed every 100ft on top of the roof ( why do we only get 5 frames of the attack?)! It is equipped with its own battery of surface-to-air missiles that is supposed to fire at anything in it's airspace without specific clearance! I mean, how many times can we mess up in one day? I would say this is all pretty convenient for some men in caves. Glad it went that easy or Osama bin Dead for Awhile would have had to come finish the job himself .
I am sure you've had enough, but unfortunately, I am not done. Flight 93 is a sham . The idea that people believe the plane was swallowed by the ground is very ...well... inappropriately funny . In a standard crash, the plane is always put back together to find out what caused it to go down . We have seen no tests run like this along with ...yep, no wreckage. You would think all they would have had to do is dig up the plane to prove it was there. No, they didn't, instead, they closed off the area with a chain linked fence so nobody can come near the crash site. If I had a family member on that plane, I think I would insist that they dig it up to get my loved one in a proper grave. No plane, no passengers , no luggage, nothing. Really?
Debris was found 8 miles from where it supposedly crashed , which only suggests one thing ... the plane was shot down . There is no "Let's Roll" story . Cell phones can't even be used once it gets to 3000 ft in the air ! This was made up so we could have some kind of hero story to attach to.
Now, at this time, I have only pointed to the obvious. There are so many things that happened before, during and after 9/11 that could only mean an inside job. Put options , Military negligence , war games (how did the terrorists know?), Bush's actions that day along with secret service , videos confiscated , black box failure , explosions , strange helicopters , strange white plane seen hovering over both the pentagon and the crash site of fight 93 , lack of investigation , how quickly Osama bin Laden was blamed along with the hijackers , hauling away the evidence of the buildings , some hijackers found alive , FBI firings & Whistleblowers , media black outs, ridiculing of anyone questioning the official story , clips from 9/11 being pulled from the networks, no evidence that links Osama bin Laden , Allowing OBL to escape from Tora Bora , Bush lying and saying he saw the first plane hit and had an entire story about how they whisked him away (we all know about pet goat), Larry Silverstein saying "pull it" , passenger lists , 80% of each plane empty that day , Operations Northwoods , people exposed to dangerous fumes, but told air is safe , Rumsfeld slip ups ...etc..the list goes on.
Now, everyone dismisses these questions because "Bush is too stupid to pull something like this off." Who said it was Bush? He definitely knew 9/11 was going to happen , however, it doesn't mean he is the mastermind. This goes beyond the administration. Yeah, there are guilty parties within the administration, but this isn't a Republican vs. Democrat issue. This is serious people, quit shrugging this off as incompetence, that is exactly how the administration is getting away with everything else (Katrina). Before you know it, we are either going to be attacking Iran, or another 9/11 event is coming our way.
I have always been skeptical, however, the reason I have finally decided to write about it is because this isn't a theory anymore. This thing has legs...there was a 9/11 conference over the weekend of June 24th and 1200 people attended. The tickets sold out or there would have been many more. This conference was an eye opener . We all cried together and got really angry together. Most of you don't have a clue about 9/11 or you would be just as pissed as I am and actually doing something about it. You quickly dismiss anything that opposes the official story because you are either too scared to open your eyes or just plain gullible. Why do you believe them about 9/11 when they have proven over and over again how dishonest they are for their own agenda? They don't give a damn about us. They slaughtered our firefighters, policemen, and citizens right in front of our eyes and we are letting them get away with it.
300 scholars consisting of engineers, professors, scientists ...etc...have come together to form scholars of truth and they have been studying 9/11 for awhile. They have debunked the official story many times over. Just go and read what they uncovered, it makes way more sense than the Commissions Report. The government is hiding something. Nobody has been held accountable for 9/11 and even the supposed culprit hasn't been caught . I am begging you; we need to come together and save what we have left!
Just a reminder, I am not a crazy person nor am I someone who buys into things easily. This is something I do on my own time and something I truly believe in. I am very passionate about our country and am only trying to find out the truth of what happened that day . Should you decide to ridicule me and dismiss what I have to say, you are only playing into their game. This is going to come out whether you deny it or not. People are talking.
9/11 was an inside job.