About Me
helooo you! *wAves* im georgie,And i like to climb on things,i also googled google.i lyk my right hAnd betA thn my left, And i prob smoke too much! i cnt spell And tbh i rekon spAgetti hoops r the best invention like...evA! i study Art n design at col wich basicly invols eAtin teAcAkes And drinkin teA, n occAsionAly throwin wot evA i cAn at who eva i can. if sumin cAn go rong...it prob will do n i nevA seem to reAli shut up!it meks me lAff how bAnks chAin their pens to the wAll And my feets r A size 6. i cudnt liv without my ipod,i actuAly h8 feet so plzz weAr socks.
ovA n out scouts =]