I AM MARRIED WITH NO KIDS YET BUT WORKING ON IT!I was in a band called scattered distortion with my two younger brothers.I been playing music my whole life.my favorite thing 2 do is to be with the one and only love of my life DIDI my wife.drink a lot of beer now and also jam on my guitar. I was never a drinker but boy have things changed. iam a huge Metallica fan and I also bleed black label society as you can see BLS everywhere. S.D.M.F. it stands for Strentgh,Determination,Merciles,Forever for those who don't know and need to know.Hellyeah R.I.P dimebag. I LOVE MY CHICAGO SPORT TEAMS!!!ESPECIALY MY cubbies so don't bother me when I'm watching a game of any sort. Go Irish. peace the hell out. love you baby
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