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Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.
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Gil's is now taking new clients. Gil is a talented Designer and all work seen on this page was done "AFTER" his accident proving that anyone can do whatever the dream is! The following interview , I think is without a doubt, a disbeliever and there for do not stand by his "Dismissive" approach.
Gil is a third generation Psychic,Medium,Numerologist,and Feng Shui Practitioner who has Channeled to sold out houses in Sedona,AZ. from 1996-2004 with favorable writeup from such magazines as Sedonas Open Mind Magazine, and the Phoenix New Times to mention a few. His abilities to listen says Gil happened in 1991 when a drunk driver struck him on his motore cycle at fifty five miles an hour. After a long battle that lasted almost two years in out patient therapy he started his work with Kathryn Froggot, a Channel, and Psychic who assisted Gil in the fine art of "Allowing" spirit to speak, heal, and guide others to trust their inner voice. This came as a surprise to Gil, as of the age of three he had "People" visit him when he tried to sleep.They would give the young Gil information about themselves and he would pass the information on to his Mother and Grandmother, also Psychics in their own right, what he was told and they verified much of what he said as relatives who had made the "Transition" long before he was born. In 2001 Gil spoke at many Borders Books Stores threw out the Phoenix Tri State area on Fen Shui,a tool he says helped the healing process with not only him but the home he lived in as well. Here is a write up from a three page interview with The Phoenix New Times.
Energy expert claims his place By Robrt L. Pela Published on October 10, 2002
His business card reads "Gil Gordon-Hall, Intuitive," but the one-time restaurateur is better known these days for finessing the spiritual energy of local businessmen. Gordon-Hall is a feng shui master who specializes in tweaking the yin and yang of corporate types who believe that where they park their Rolodex will have an impact on their workday.Kevin Scanlon How to succeed in business: Feng shui master Gil Gordon-Hall helps corporations channel positive energy.Gordon-Hall and I wedged ourselves onto a sofa in a dark corner of Zen 32, where I hoped to learn a little something about the ancient Chinese study of energy. I got more than I bargained for.New Times: Let me see if I've got this right: Feng shui is the belief that inanimate objects have energy, and that where we place these things in our homes has an impact on our lives.Gil Gordon-Hall: Pretty much. It goes beyond that, though. It's about the placement of your home on its property, based on your birthday, your wife's birthday, and so on. It's about working with your environment, not against it.NT: So where I put my table lamps has a direct impact on the size of my bank account.Gordon-Hall: And on your health and your relationships, too. It sounds crazy, but it's based in 8,000-year-old scientific principles. The Trump Towers is set up using these principles. Oprah uses feng shui.NT: Well, there's an endorsement. So if I go home and move my sofa, what will happen to me tomorrow?Gordon-Hall: If you put it in your southeast corner, you'll start to notice that your finances take a dive. Because you're sitting on your money.NT: Right now my sofa's in the northwest corner.Gordon-Hall: That's the sector of knowledge and wisdom. So if you're sitting there balancing your checkbook, you can't help but do well.NT: What if I'm lying there in my underwear, watching reruns of The Golden Girls?Gordon-Hall: Well, you'll be getting the most from whatever show you watch, because in that corner of the living room, your brain activity goes up three points.NT: My life is going nicely. Does this mean I accidentally put all my junk in the right spots?Gordon-Hall: You might have, but most people don't. I know a lot of people who have constant problems in their relationships, because their bedroom is not in the southwest corner of their house, but their bathroom is, and all the energy goes down the drain. They argue all the time, and their love life drops off. I've seen this time and again. The worst is when they have a mirror in their bedroom, which you never want to do.NT: Huh?Gordon-Hall: Well, if you're having a fight with your lover in the bedroom and you look into the mirror, that some say bad energy can get trapped in the mirror. So whenever you go into that room, that bad energy is lingering there. And nobody wakes up looking like Brad Pitt in the morning. If the first thing you see every day is yourself looking awful, it sets a precedent for the day.This is part of a three page interview.
Sheryl Lee, Actor,Great friend, big heart said this about Gil "My brother. You have touched my life in too many ways to speak of.I love you always and just becouse you are you...Authentic."
From one of Gil's clients regarding his work as a Psychic, Medium,Channeler who has taught numerous people in his workshops held in Sedona,AZ.
This was back in 1996. You helped me understand why i was involved with my next door neighbors death and why i was seeing a native american spirit as a result. You also helped me channel my dead grandmother. Matt,Calif

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I found this to be a powerful Mantra as spoken from the Dali Lama. I feel it has no belief boundary's if one can get past the judgment of its origin. who cares who spoke the words, if the words hold p...
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Karma, A cigar is just a cigar?

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