1)Im SETH and yes I have alot of opinions on alot of issues, but that doesnt mean I will hate you if you dont agree with everything I believe in. I will always respect your right to hold the views you wish to hold...UNLESS your a Nazi and or Fascist, in that case F#*K Off!!
2) Im STRAIGHT-EDGE, BUT that doesnt mean Im a sXe nazi, I dont care what you do to your body. Im what I am for me, ALL my friends are drunk ass, chain-smokers and I DONT CARE.
3) Im an DARWINIAN-ATHEIST. BUT that doesn't mean Im going to judge you because of you're beliefs. If you want to believe in, God, Allah, Buddah, or Mickey Mouse I DONT GIVE A TOSS!! All I ask is you respect my right to NOT BELIEVE.
4) My most passionate belief in living my life is that the working class is the core of this world, and that the masses that toil in thankless drudgery in this country and all others are the most deserving of respect. They fight the wars and build the infrastructure of our lives with their bare hands.
5) I finally finished my PHD in Evolutionary Biology this past Feb, BUT that doesn't mean I think Im smarter than you. I dont CARE what you're educational level is. I have met many a genius highschool drop out, and many a brain dead professor!
6) Im a Vegan, BUT that doesn't mean I give a damn if you swallow BBQ ribs like they are candy!! Eat what you want, Im not cooking for you, so I DONT CARE!!