The Dave
Rossco Cunt
Toby Cunt
Beardy Cunt
Jamie Cunt
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Hello and welcome to the 'space' currently occupied by Dave And The Cunts...
Firstly Dave And The Cunts is a temporary name existing only until we can think of something better (and maybe less offensive) so feel free to leave suggestions for a good band name!
Dave And The Cunts exist soley because we thought it would be fun to put our (limited) talents to use and make some songs together.
Then we decided it might be a good idea to record some songs and share them with the world to see what people thought and, if The Daily Mail is to be believed, MySpace and its army of crazed emo kids pretty much rule the world these days, so where better to start than here!?
So we have some songs on here which you can listen to using your ears, although I must warn you with haste that these songs were recorded on a shody 4-track and not a single one of them is properly finished yet, not by any stretch of the imagination (so much so that the vocalist only actually sings on one of these) so if you would be kind enough to look upon these as a work in progress simply to give some idea of what we are, we would greatly appreciate it and buy you an ice cream to fully express our gratitude
But please feel free to criticise, hate, laugh at and even (dare we say it) enjoy these songs!
Thanks for listening
Hugs and high fives x
If you would like to support your favorite bunch of cunts then just copy and paste this code somewhere onto your page to put this sexy Dave and the Cunts banner up. Thankyou!
Dave and the Cunts would like to thank the legendary Jadee for pretty much making this magical little box for us...she rocks!
Draw us a picture!
And you could be here with all the cool kids: