.L.E.O. Full of contradictions. An introvert/extrovert. You can find me in a club or sitting at home alone with a good book. An athlete and an intellect, I'm EXTREMELY COMPETITIVE !! Not just in sports but in e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. I love food and wine, and I love to cook. I love music and dance. I love clothing, fashion and hair, yet I also love to go camping, forsaking the comforts of home for days at a time. Will try anything once. I don't like closed-minded, unintelligent, judgmental, dishonest people. I'm a child of winter but I love the summer as well. Cool and laid back till I get to know you, then I'm a total clown. I have been known to injure myself, doing something stupid, to make people laugh. I hardly shed a tear for personal tragedies, but I have been known to tear watching Pokemon. Soft and kind-hearted enclosed in a hard and rough exterior. My favorite places include NYC, Hawaii and Japan.