Anjens profile picture


About Me

We met in 1996. Since then we played and wrote our music together. There was never a doubt, that we would get along at that level. Soon we realized, that it wouldn`t be easy, to find a band with people who share our idea of music, with all its nuances. It was even more difficult to make people understand a song, because all of them got a story and most of them are autobiographical.
1999 André moved for job reasons away from NRW. At that time, working together took a break, for a while. But our contact and the love to our music was still there and it was growing. So we decided to go on again. To form a new band. That was 2002. After four bandrooms in different cities and lots of changeing musicians, we decide 2005 to go on as a duo. At that place, we like to thank all people, who got along with us!
Our music is true popmusic with a bit of melancholy, much pleasure and a certain demand.
The new CD "Peace of Mind" is to find in a few shops in Kreis Kleve or it can be ordered here on our homepage (email to: [email protected]) So? - What are you waiting for? Go and get it.

My Interests


Member Since: 14/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:


Influences: Jens:
My influeces are clearly to find in the classical Rock/Pop area. First of all to be named are Lennon&McCartney. But there are also influences from Billy Joel, Aimee Mann, The Who, Rock n`Roll, Bowie, The Vines, Williams (only the Guy Chambers time). Johnny Cash (the last 3). When I listen to music it can be a bit harder sometimes: Megadeth, Ac/Dc, Ozzy, Maiden etc. Surely I forgot 10000 of other bands. At the moment I´m concerning with the classical songwriters, Dylan, Guthro, Perkins. Music has to tell you something, even when the message is love. What can be better!?

Influences: Queen, Beatles, Dire Straits, Chuck Berry, Ray Charles, Elton John, and many, many more.

Sounds Like: good pop music
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever - Subtitulado en esp One of my all time favorits!
Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 14:12:00 GMT

The White Stripes
Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 12:56:00 GMT

"Anjens on air" Part 2

Hi people, Anjens are on air at june 25. 2007 You can listen to us on 1Live at 20.00 - 23.00 in Plan B/Heimatkult Don´t miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anjens sind am 25.06.07 in Radio 1Live, in der Sendu...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:17:00 GMT

Neue Songlängen

Hallo Anjens-auf-myspace-Watcher,leider sind alle "Abspielzahlen" wieder auf "Null". Wir haben die Spielzeiten auf mehrfachen Wunsch verlängert. Das befreit Euch aber nicht, die CD im Laden zu kaufen...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:32:00 GMT


Tja Leute, wieder beginnt ein Tag im "Onlineleben" von Anjens und bereits kurz vor dem Wecker stellt man sich die bange Frage:"Hat jemand unsere Homepage besucht?" Also nix wie ran an den PC um nachzu...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 00:28:00 GMT

Anjens im Radio

Die waren begeistert und alle Hörer werden es auch sein. Also wenn ihr wollt und wenn ihr könnt, schaltet das Radio am Freitag 2.03. 07 um 20.00 Uhr ein und lauscht!! Die aktuelle Frequenz erfahrt ihr...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 09:09:00 GMT